Shred 10 workshop
Mandi PageExact price is subject to fees and taxes.
- behavior change weight lossbody imagechildren's nutritioncookingdetoxeat healthiergut healthhealthy eatinghealthy cooking
Eat Like an Olympian!
Shred 10 was developed by a dr and an Olympian and I am so excited to share how it works on a zoom so you can learn all about it. We crave what we eat, and by adding more good, and eliminating/reducing the bad, this is sustainable and will become a way of life. This is not a 'quick fix' or lose 20 lbs in ten days 'diet' however it is a way of 'shredding' bad habits and adding in good ones. Participants will develop healthier eating habits, increase their energy levels and feel more balanced. I am sharing from an authentic place as someone who ate terribly and this has really shown me that making healthier choices is not only fun, but rewarding both mentally and physically! Join me!
Program sessions