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10-Days of Self Care for New Moms (Postpartum Care)

Stephanie Baier

Feb 14, 2023

Read on for 10 days of simple, easy self-care tips and exercises to get you back on your feet after birth!

Day 1: Affirmations for Self-Care

An affirmation is something you tell yourself to improve mood, positivity, and emotional strength. For example, “I am strong and healthy.” The more frequently you repeat such affirmations, the more you will believe them and become them. Today, write down five affirmations you would like to start repeating to yourself. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • I am grateful for all my body is capable of.
  • My mind is strong.
  • My mind is at peace.
  • I am confident in my ability to change.
  • I am at peace with where I'm at right now.
  • I love to live and learn.
  • I am ready and excited to make healthy changes in my life.
  • I feel good when I take care of my body.
  • I enjoy finding healthy foods to eat.
  • My health is important to me. This is a time commitment I am willing to make.
  • I love being a mom and find joy in caring for my newborn. I can provide the love, care, and support she/he needs.
  • I have ample resources to share with loved ones. I have time, energy, and confidence to be there for my child.

Day 2: Do Something You Love

Write down three things you love to do. What makes you so excited, you forget to eat and sleep? What hobbies or skills would you like to develop? Take just 10 minutes today to spend time with one of the passions you’ve listed.

Day 3: Gentle Exercise

This simple workout is gentle on the core and great for healing the separation of the abs during and after pregnancy.

Make sure to breathe through each exercise. For example, when you do pelvic tilts, inhale as you relax your abdomen with a neutral spine, then exhale as you draw your belly button up towards your spine. Generally, you will exhale when tightening your muscles.

  • 10 pelvic tilts
  • 30 second modified plank (on your knees)
  • 30 second side plank on each side
  • 10 toe taps on your back (Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. With your abs tight and your lower back pressed towards the ground, slowly lower your feet to touch the ground, then raise them again.)
  • Practice pulling your belly button in towards your spine as you tighten your core.
  • Repeat entire routine 1-2 more times, then stretch.

Day 4: Easy Recipe

After the birth of my first child, I simply could not find the time to feed myself! These protein bites were a lifesaver, because I could make a huge batch and simply grab one every time I got hungry. And I was hungry almost all the time, since I was breastfeeding.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bites:


  • 1/3 cup peanut butter
  • ¾ cup oats
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds or ground flaxseeds
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup mini chocolate chips, chopped


  • Combine all ingredients and roll into balls. Store in the fridge.

Day 5: Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a great way to boost your mood. Write down five things you are grateful for today.

Day 6: Sleep

Though your sleep may not be ideal right now, there are some simple things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

Having a consistent nightly routine for both your baby and yourself sets you up for sleeping success. Write down a simple routine below you would like to do with your baby, and a routine for yourself to help your body wind down. If possible, avoid screens 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Day 7: Drink More Water

When you wake up in the morning, try drinking a full glass of water to get the day started strong. Keep a tally of how many cups of water you drink today.

Day 8: Limit Added Sugars

Not all sugars are created equal, so it’s important to understand what sugars are good for your body, and which ones you should avoid.

Today, keep a simple food diary of what you’ve eaten. Be gentle with this list! Do not judge it or stress over what you’ve eaten. The whole point of this exercise is to start bringing awareness to the fuel we are providing our bodies. We are showing ourselves that we have needs, too, and that our health is important to us.

Day 9: Look for Someone to Serve

This may feel impossible right now, since your baby has many needs. However, even sending a simple text to let someone know you’re thinking of them can benefit you both. Thinking of someone who may be experiencing similar struggles helps you connect with others emotionally and feel less overwhelmed. Write down the names of three people you could reach out to today. Take a moment to reach out to at least one of them.

Day 10: Keep a Simple Journal

Keeping a small notebook next to your bed and taking five minutes to write in it every day can be very soothing. Today, take just five minutes to write something about your day. What went well? What are you feeling? What are you grateful for? What would you like to do differently tomorrow? What are you doing well as a mom? (Remember, you are an awesome mom!!!)

About the author

Stephanie Baier
Healing the Relationship with Food, Body, and Exercise
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I battled with negative self-image, cyclic dieting, overeating, and excessive exercise for years. Though I studied nutrition in college, I still couldn’t figure out how to get myself to stop eating “junk food” and just be “good.” Sound familiar? It wasn’t until one summer that I finally let go of all the diet and exercise “rules” I’d imposed on myself and saw life-changing results. Over the next few months, my confidence grew, my relationship with food stabilized, and I learned to love exercise for the way it made me feel (NOT for how it made me look). I now use a technique I call “Mental Reframing” to help you overcome the limiting beliefs, blocks, and habits keeping you stuck - to finally break FREE from damaging eating and exercise patterns and heal your relationship with food, body, and exercise. With each coaching session, we will build a toolbox of skills and resources you can access for the rest of your life. Welcome to a life UNBOUND!

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