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Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Lori Lamb

Feb 24, 2023

Helpful Stop Snoring Aids and Options

Approximately half of the world's population snores to some degree. While most snorers do this on a tolerable level, there are some snorers that snore loudly enough that they disturb the whole household. Needless to say, loud, continual snoring can be bothersome to the snorer and their family.

Naturally, you should try sleeping on your side or stomach to stop snoring. However, when this easy option doesn't work, then stop-snoring devices may prove to be of benefit to you.

There are plenty of methods on the market today that can assist in silencing the noisy situation. These products are specifically designed to enable snorers and their families to get a good night's sleep.

The first method you may wish to explore is the over-the-counter strips that you place on your nose, similar to a thin, flexible bandage. These 'Breathe-Right' strips help to open the nostrils, therefore enabling more air to pass through. Check your local drugstore or pharmacy to see if this option is available to you. It is probably one of the least expensive and least invasive options available.

Different Types of Anti-Snoring Devices

Apparatus designed to stop snoring come in all shapes and sizes. Some of the most popular products are those that can be bought over the counter without a doctor's prescription. Here are a few of those items you may like to try.

Throat Sprays and Nasal Dilation Aids

Throat sprays are dual-purpose in their action. Firstly, they lubricate the throat and allow air to pass through more easily. Secondly, they can bring down the swelling of the tonsils and adenoids, further reducing another cause of snoring. Nasal dilation aids, which are similar to little nose bandages, keep the nasal air passages open while sleeping so you can breathe through your nose instead of the mouth.

Stop Snoring Pillows

Special pillows can also be used. Snoring is far more likely to occur if you sleep flat on your back, and/or if you sleep with a thin pillow. For chronic snorers, it is preferable to sleep on your side so that there is less pressure on the airways.

If you have a difficult time staying in this position while sleeping, it is recommended that you invest in a pillow which is specifically designed to prevent or reduce snoring. However, if you really can't stop yourself from sleeping on your back, try elevating your head by using a thicker, firmer pillow instead of a thin, flimsy one.

Some people may find it helpful to place pillows under the head of their mattress in order to elevate their bed. Experiment with your pillow and see which setup feels the most comfortable and gives the best results.

Special Mouth Guards

There are other devices similar to mouth guards which are used to keep the mouth closed and the throat open at the same time. These devices are especially useful for people who not only snore regularly but who also have sleep apnea.

If you are interested in using these mouthpieces, you will have to see your dentist as they will fit you with a properly fitting device.

Mouthpieces - Pros and Cons

Mouthpieces are by far the most popular snoring prevention devices. The main advantage of these devices is that they are very easy to use. They are available in all forms and price ranges, so there will certainly be one that fits your mouth and your budget. An anti-snoring mouthpiece works by keeping your tongue in place as you sleep, thereby keeping your air passages open and reducing the chance of snoring. It may feel uncomfortable to use in the beginning, but after a couple of nights, you will get used to the sensation of having the device in your mouth.

Many people prefer using a mouthpiece over other snoring prevention devices because they are less intrusive. Some may worry that the mouthpiece will force their teeth out of place, but that is not likely. Unlike a retainer, an anti-snoring mouthpiece will not put pressure on your teeth. Its only purpose is to keep your air passages open while you sleep.

Another Option, if Over-The-Counter Options Fail

You can experiment with the above non-surgical solutions first. Should all these simple options fail to prevent your snoring, you may need to discuss with your doctor the option of surgical treatments.

There is also another alternative to traditional methods of snoring prevention, and it is called 'Radiofrequency Tissue Reduction' or 'Somnoplasty.' In this simple, out-patient procedure, the space between the nose and throat is enlarged to make breathing during sleep an easier process.

If all else fails, you can try sewing a tennis ball into your pajamas, so that you can't roll onto your back and snore. There's more than one way to help you stop snoring!

About the author

Lori Lamb
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I'm a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and began my journey into Health Coaching in 2011 after spending seven years trying to figure out what was wrong with me. After spending tons of money and seeing every specialist imaginable and constantly being handed a prescription for anti-depressants I decided to take my health into my own hands and attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a Board Certified Health Coach. I was able to reclaim my health with lifestyle and dietary changes and started showing others how to do the same. In 2018, I decided to attend The School for Applied Functional Medicine to really get to the root causes of why so many people are unwell and am now able to help my clients read labs, understand how they got to this point and empower them to be their own health advocates. I am married with two grown children and seven beautiful grandchildren. Health Coaching is the most rewardable job I have ever had!

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