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Herbal Blend for Anxiety

Lauren Dunin

Dec 13, 2022

This anti-anxiety herbal infusion are for those times when you need a little extra support, for when emotions are high, and for when you can’t seem to catch your breath. Whether you have anxiety regularly or you're just dealing with the stress of everyday life, the simple action of drinking a cup of this soothing blend will help calm your nerves in the sweetest of ways.

The Herbs

Lemon Balm Using lemon balm in the infusion with help with anxiety and restlessness while also providing pure aromatic pleasure. Acting as a gentle nervine, this uplifting herb helps support digestion, indigestion, and sleep.

Oat Straw Very gentle nervine and nutritive, oat straw strengthens the nervous system, acts as an antidepressant, and is high in minerals. Sipping on this herb will make you feel calm and grounded.

Chamomile A classic, relaxing nighttime tea, this nervine herb is also helpful for anxiety and daily mental stress.

Lavender Promoting a state of ease, lavender helps to calm the nerves and relieve stress. It contains vitamin A, calcium, and iron.

Eleuthero This adaptogenic powerhouse can help balance the nervous systems of those known to work hard and play a little too hard. It helps to boost physical and mental stamina and endurance as well as promoting a healthy immune system.


1 tsp lemon balm 1 tsp oat straw 1 tsp chamomile 1/2 tsp of lavender 1/2 tsp eleuthero


Combine all ingredients in a 32 oz mason jar.

Fill the jar to the top with boiling water.

Infuse for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes I like to allow the herbs to steep overnight.

Once ready, strain and enjoy.

About the author

Lauren Dunin
Women's Hormone Specialist
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I'm passionate about women's hormonal health due to my personal journey with imbalances from a young age.

What to Expect:

  • Comprehensive Understanding: I've walked in your shoes, so I get it, from birth control dilemmas to severe menstrual cramps.
  • Holistic Approach: I've explored numerous remedies, crafted my own herbal solutions, and learned from experts in Naturopathy.
  • Transformational Knowledge: After overcoming my own struggles, I'm equipped to guide you toward harmonious living with your cycle.
  • Life's Mission: My commitment is to help you regain control of your hormonal health and find balance in your life.
  • Empowerment: Together, we'll embark on a journey to holistic well-being and vitality, tailored to your unique needs.

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