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How to Increase Low Libido

Lauren Dunin

Dec 13, 2022

Embracing our female sexuality is incredibly empowering and innate. When we open ourselves to passion, we strengthen our connection to our bodies, creativity, and the desire to live a fulfilled life. A healthy libido is a good sign that our hormones are balanced, and when it feels off, that’s our body’s way of telling us that something needs extra attention. Many factors can contribute to a decreased libido, including emotional discomfort, medications, diet, or simply just exhaustion from overworking oneself.

If low libido is something that you struggle with, there are a handful of lifestyle shifts that you can implement to bring back good intimacy, no matter where you’re at in life.

How can I increase my libido?

Get your hormone levels checked. Low libido can be a symptom of a more complex imbalance at play, so you might want to start by getting your hormone levels tested properly. I currently offer a Dutch Hormone Test that measures a range of hormone metabolites from a dried urine sample, including cortisol, cortisone, estradiol, estrone, estriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and melatonin, which all can have a huge impact on your libido.

Check on your gut health. When leaky gut is associated with inflammation, the gut releases lipopolysaccharides, which can have a direct and toxic effect on the brain, causing fatigue, brain fog and a decreased sex drive. Make sure to eat a clean, nutrient-dense diet to lower inflammation. This means avoiding processed foods, sugar, and excess alcohol while drinking plenty of water and getting quality sleep. In return, your periods and sex life will be much more enjoyable.

Look into your birth control and medications. Birth control pills can alter our hormones, causing a reduction in estrogen and/or testosterone. These two hormones play a big part in how high or low our libido is. Other medications widely prescribed that can lower your sex drive include antidepressants, antihistamines, anti-seizure drugs, and beta-blockers. It is always best to speak with your doctor about possible alternatives and not stop or change any medication without consulting them first.

Manage and reduce stress. Stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol in the body, which can suppress our sex hormones, creating a lower libido. Tap into your body and find practices that help you fully unwind. This could be meditation, an afternoon walk, morning yoga, journaling, massage, breathwork, reading a book, or an Epsom salt bath.

Take your adaptogens. Maca is an adaptogen that has been shown to restore balance throughout the body and minimize the negative effects of stress. It can also increase sexual desire and libido, while Ashwagandha works to increase arousal, lubrication, orgasms, and sexual satisfaction. Ginseng is another favourite as it boosts passion, desire, energy, and orgasms. Try adding a teaspoon of either adaptogen herb to your smoothie or latte in the morning.

Eat aphrodisiac foods. Certain foods have ‘feel good’ compounds, such as capsaicin in chili peppers that enhance bodily sensations or antioxidants in fruits like figs and strawberries that improve your blood flow. Dark chocolate (my personal favourite) is loaded with bioflavonoids that support the circulatory system, which increases arousal, lubrication, and orgasms. Other foods to consume are artichokes, asparagus, dates, ginger, goji berries, oysters, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon.

Move your body. Exercise stimulates libido and enhances pelvic circulation and health. It’s also attributed to reducing depression, which can harm your libido. Try adding movements like pilates, yoga, or walking into your everyday routine.

About the author

Lauren Dunin
Women's Hormone Specialist
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I'm passionate about women's hormonal health due to my personal journey with imbalances from a young age.

What to Expect:

  • Comprehensive Understanding: I've walked in your shoes, so I get it, from birth control dilemmas to severe menstrual cramps.
  • Holistic Approach: I've explored numerous remedies, crafted my own herbal solutions, and learned from experts in Naturopathy.
  • Transformational Knowledge: After overcoming my own struggles, I'm equipped to guide you toward harmonious living with your cycle.
  • Life's Mission: My commitment is to help you regain control of your hormonal health and find balance in your life.
  • Empowerment: Together, we'll embark on a journey to holistic well-being and vitality, tailored to your unique needs.

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