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The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

Lauren Dunin

Dec 13, 2022

A woman’s body is an intricate system with constantly shifting moods and energy. To understand the energetic pattern of the menstrual cycle, we must unlearn the need to be the exact same person every day. One of the most beautiful ways to understand how energy is led by your menstrual cycle is through the map of the seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. When you observe the transitions of these seasons, can you feel the change in energy they evoke in your environment and body? This is the same for your menstrual cycle.

When we tap into the natural ebbs and flows of the menstrual cycle, we start to realize that our hormones affect more than just our period. They influence everything from your nutritional needs, socialization levels, libido, energy levels, and even the texture of your skin.

To live in alignment with the seasons of our cycle means we unlock our full feminine potential. This begins with the nutrients you absorb, the herbs you nourish your body with, and the lifestyle choices that you make. Below you will find a breakdown of how to feel best at each phase.

The Four Phases

Phase 1: Menstruation (Inner Winter) Your menstrual phase begins on the first day you start to bleed. Estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest point during this phase which prompts the uterine lining to shed, resulting in bleeding. This hormonal dip can leave you feeling more tired than usual, making it important to listen to your body and rest when needed. Just like winter, it’s time to slow down and get quiet during this phase.

Phase 2: Follicular (Inner Spring) This phase begins the day after your period ends and usually lasts six days. As your body begins maturing eggs for ovulation, your estrogen and progesterone levels start to rise. The increase in hormone levels will leave you feeling energized, outgoing, and confident.

Phase 3: Ovulation (Inner Summer) In this phase, estrogen peaks while testosterone and progesterone rise. The dominant follicle bursts open and releases its egg into the fallopian tube. Your body is now open to conception, meaning if sperm comes in contact with that newly ovulated egg, you can get pregnant. If it's not fertilized by sperm, it will disintegrate.

Phase 4: Luteal (Inner Fall) The luteal phase is the last of the four phases of the menstrual cycle. There's a rise in progesterone in this phase, and a slight increase in estrogen levels occurs, followed by a drop in both hormones to restart the cycle. Progesterone has a calming effect on the body, and because it's dominant during this phase, it will cause your mind to slow, your blood sugar levels to stabilize, and your energy levels to decrease.


Menstruation: Warming, cooked foods, roasted vegetables, and healthy fats. Key nutrients to include would be iron, vitamin C, omega-3s, B12, protein, calcium, and magnesium.

Animal Sources: Beef, fish, poultry, liver.

Vegetables: Beet, bell peppers, burdock, broccoli, chard, collard greens, dulse, kale, kelp, kombu, shiitake mushroom, spinach, wakame.

Fruits: Blackberry, blueberry, cherries, cranberry, watermelon.

Grains: Buckwheat, wild rice, millet.

Legumes: Adzuki, black bean, organic edamame, kidney, lentils, organic tofu, organic tempeh.

Nuts: Chestnut, ground flaxseed, pumpkin seed, hazelnut

Follicular: This is an important time to balance estrogen as it builds up. You'll want to focus on plenty of healthy fats to ensure that your body has enough energy to develop and release your follicle. Focus on light, fresh, and vibrant foods to feel energized. Key nutrients to include would be probiotics, fiber, and B vitamins. Animal Sources: Beef, fish, poultry, lamb, eggs.

Vegetables: Artichoke, broccoli, carrot, green pea, kimchi, parsley, sauerkraut, string beans, rhubarb, zucchini.

Fruits: Avocado, cherry, grapefruit, lemon, orange, pomegranate, plum.

Grains: Amaranth, oat, quinoa.

Legumes: Green lentil, split pea, lima bean, organic tofu, organic tempeh.

Nuts: Brazil nuts, cashew, ground flaxseed, pumpkin seeds.

Ovulation: Think fibrous and light. Let's continue to create a balanced meal with protein, fats, and vegetables with an extra emphasis on magnesium-rich foods to prevent the drop in magnesium that occurs with ovulation. Key nutrients to include would be B vitamins, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, and fiber. Animal Sources: Beef, fish, eggs, shellfish.

Vegetables: Asparagus, brussels sprout, chard, chicory, chive, dandelion, endive, eggplant, scallion, spinach, swiss chard, tomato, red bell pepper.

Fruits: Cantaloupe, clementine, coconut, fig, kiwi, mango, melon, papaya, passionfruit, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry.

Grains: Amaranth and quinoa.

Legumes: Red lentil, mung beans, split peas.

Nuts: Almond, pecan, pistachio, sesame, sunflower seeds.

Luteal: We want to remove excess estrogen, support the liver, and balance your mood during this phase. This is also a good time of the month to cut down on caffeine and alcohol, as these stimulants can aggravate PMS. Key nutrients to include would be B vitamins, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and omega-3s. Animal Sources: Bone broth, beef, turkey, halibut.

Vegetables: Cauliflower, cabbage, celery, cilantro, collard greens, cucumber, mustard greens, onion, garlic, ginger, parsnip, pumpkin, radish, squash, shallot, sweet potato, watercress.

Fruits: Apple, banana, date, jackfruit, peach, pear, raisin.

Grains: Millet, brown rice.

Legumes: Chickpea, cannellini, great northern.

Nuts: Pine nut, walnut, sesame, sunflower seeds.


Menstruation: Red raspberry leaf to relieve cramping and pain

Nettle to support blood loss and remineralize the body

Turmeric to support the digestive system and help with cramps

Abhwagandha to nourish the body and regulate hormonal imbalances

Follicular: Holy basil to regulate blood sugar and boost immunity

Schisandra to reduce stress hormones and lift energy

Nettle to support blood loss

Ovulation: Red clover to increase cervical mucous and to lubricate the vagina

Shatavari to boost healthy ovulation

Maca to increase energy, stamina, and libido and to balance estrogen levels

Luteal: Chaste tree berry to help lengthen the luteal phase and boost progesterone levels

Burdock root to remove excess hormones and cleanse the liver

Ginger to warm the body, clear gas and bloating, and support digestion and detoxification


Menstruation: Stretching, pilates, yin yoga, walking, or nothing at all but couch and Netflix time!

Follicular: Sprints, jogging, hiking, skipping rope, or swimming.

Ovulation: High-intensity workouts like spinning or group fitness classes.

Luteal: Stretching and restorative yoga. Scale back on intensity when you feel sluggish.


Menstruation: It's time to devote yourself to self-improvement and mindfulness. Ease up on your schedule, slow down, and enjoy relaxing activities like taking an Epsom salt bath, writing in your journal, or reading a book.

Follicular: Your brain is currently wired to learn and absorb things faster in this phase. Try out a new activity, enrol in an online course, step out of your comfort zone. Focus on those goals and visions, write out the action steps you want to take this month.

Ovulation: You'll find that your social skills are at their highest, your skin is glowing, and your libido is at an all-time high. You're feeling sassy, confident, and sensual, so if you're trying to get pregnant - this is a perfect time. Book those dinner reservations, go on a romantic weekend getaway, or spend time with your friends and family!

Luteal: Your brain is primed for detail-oriented tasks rather than big-picture thinking, and you're more inclined to want to nest and focus on self-care.

Journal Prompts

Menstruation: What do I need to let go of?

What new intentions am I planting?

How can I give myself more compassion?

What does my future self want me to know?

Follicular: What new projects do you feel called to begin?

What are your top three business priorities right now?

Create some positive affirmations that resonate with you

Imagine yourself as a little girl, what does she want you to know?

Ovulation: What do I desire right now?

What or who am I grateful for?

What do I desire right now?

Connect with your inner mother, what does she want you to know?

Luteal: What is no longer working?

How can I surrender?

What fears or limiting beliefs am I holding?

What is your inner critic saying to you?

About the author

Lauren Dunin
Women's Hormone Specialist
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I'm passionate about women's hormonal health due to my personal journey with imbalances from a young age.

What to Expect:

  • Comprehensive Understanding: I've walked in your shoes, so I get it, from birth control dilemmas to severe menstrual cramps.
  • Holistic Approach: I've explored numerous remedies, crafted my own herbal solutions, and learned from experts in Naturopathy.
  • Transformational Knowledge: After overcoming my own struggles, I'm equipped to guide you toward harmonious living with your cycle.
  • Life's Mission: My commitment is to help you regain control of your hormonal health and find balance in your life.
  • Empowerment: Together, we'll embark on a journey to holistic well-being and vitality, tailored to your unique needs.

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