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The role of your Microbiome in overall gut health!

Emily Sinclair

Jun 07, 2023

The microbiome is a complex ecosystem of organisms that inhabit the human body. The majority of these organisms are found in the gut, where they play an important role in our overall health. In recent years, research has shown that the microbiome is a critical component of our immune system and is essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. In this post, we will explore what the microbiome is, why it is important for gut health, and how we can support a healthy microbiome.

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome refers to the community of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies. This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. We want a combination of “good” (85%) and “bad” bacteria (15%). The “good” bacteria helps to digest food, produce vitamin B’s and K2, as well as keep the intestinal wall thick and abundant in microvilli. The “bad” bacteria keeps the “good” bacteria working out and strong! Think of how many people were getting sick post COVID….this is because we had been living in such a sterile environment for so long that afterwards our bodies did not know how to fight off viruses and unwanted pathogens.

Why is the microbiome important for gut health?

The microbiome is essential for maintaining a healthy gut. The microorganisms in the gut play a critical role in digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and preventing harmful pathogens from entering the body. They also help to maintain the integrity of the gut lining and regulate the immune system.

When the microbiome is disrupted, it can lead to a range of gut health issues, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and leaky gut syndromeA disrupted microbiome can also lead to an imbalance of gut bacteria, which can have negative effects on the immune system and overall health.

How can we support a healthy microbiome?

There are a couple things we can do to support a healthy microbiome… -eat a whole foods varied diet that is rich in fiber! -consume probiotic rich foods; kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut -focus on lowering your stress levels and getting enough sleep/rest!

…If you are interested in having an in-depth look into your microbiome through functional testing, book an Initial Consultation or check out my Revive Gut Health program!

About the author

Emily Sinclair
Helping you feel at home in your body!
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I am a compassionate, open-minded, understanding whole-body healer! Through trials and tribulations, I have discovered that my genuine vocation is to work with and help people with their overall well-being. From working through my own mental health struggles, I am able to support and help others from a place of empathy. The approach I take with my clients is centred around the belief that healing is lifelong and that there is no "quick fix". I work with my clients as a team to discover the root cause of their health issues, and place emphasis on individualism-I believe no one person's healing journey will look the same. I am a Certified Nutritional Practitioner as well as a Reiki Practitioner. I have earned my Second Degree in Reiki from the Usui System of Reiki Healing, which I have used as a spiritual self-practice and in my client work. I look forward to being your personal cheerleader in your health journey.

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