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Frequency Imprinting (Single Session)

Jessica Pye


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Mindfulness & Spiritual


    subconscious mindguided meditationeliminating blockagesinner child healingneural reprogramminglimiting beliefs


Reprogram your root limiting beliefs using this subconscious reprogramming framework.


Imagine a limiting belief of yours as a jumble of threads. Each thread is a memory that created or contributed evidence to that belief being true. Without you consciously knowing it, these beliefs can be fuelling how you respond and show up in your life and business.

Maybe that's a root belief that you're "not good enough", or "not worthy" of what you truly desire in your life. Each experience you've had in your lifetime that reaffirms this belief, is another thread added to the "jumble".

Frequency Imprinting is a form of subconscious work where, through taking the body into a meditative state we connect with the subconscious mind to highlight where you're feeling held back in your life. We go back to earlier (or the earliest) memory of feeling this emotion, and we re-imprint the emotion surrounding that memory.

When we revisit one of those memories, and we re-imprint a more beneficial emotion to that memory, we also lean into what this memory taught you about yourself, others and the world. This helps us understand how this might be showing up in your present day belief and responses.

By re-imprinting the memory, we essentially dissolve one of those threads. This weakens that root belief within you. Eventually, we dissolve enough "threads" that the entire belief collapses.

My clients have seen incredible results from just one session, celebrating results such as welcoming in more abundance in their business, communicating more clearly with loved ones, and setting stronger boundaries for themselves.

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How it works

Book a Session

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Payment and Session Confirmation

Complete the secure payment process through Stripe. Receive a booking confirmation after successful payment.

Attend Your Session

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