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 Group workshop
Chronic Illness
Why Your Treatment Isn't Working: Unlocking Healing from Chronic Stress and Lyme Disease


Why traditional treatments may fail and how chronic stress keeps your body in fight or flight mode.


This session delves deep into Jordan’s personal journey—from a traumatic injury and the depths of depression to a profound healing transformation through holistic practices.

What You May Have Tried and Why It Hasn’t Worked:

Before delving into effective holistic strategies, it’s important to understand why conventional approaches may fall short. Many treatments fail to bring relief because they overlook a critical component—the state of being chronically stressed and locked in a fight-or-flight mode, which is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. This state impedes healing by preventing the body from entering the parasympathetic state, necessary for rest, digestion, and recovery. In this workshop, we focus on transitioning into a parasympathetic state to truly receive treatments and foster healing.

Workshop Highlights:

  • The Injury and Its Aftermath: Learn about the life-altering injuries Jordan sustained and the subsequent diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease, compounded by a traumatic brain injury. Understand the physical and emotional toll it took and the initial reliance on Western medicine that followed.

  • A Shift in Perspective: Discover how meeting a pivotal person led Jordan to explore a spiritual and holistic path that included meditation, nutrition, and tuning into the body’s signals.

  • Holistic Healing Techniques: Explore the various natural healing modalities that played a significant role in Jordan's recovery. Learn about frequency therapy, the importance of the body's natural homeostasis, and strategies to shift from the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

  • Empowerment and Control: Gain insights into how you can take control of your health through awareness and adjustment of your own bodily states to promote healing and well-being.

  • Beyond Lyme Disease: While the workshop focuses on overcoming Lyme disease, the principles discussed are applicable to various chronic conditions, emphasizing that nothing is incurable and the body’s inherent ability to heal.

Outcomes You Can Expect:

  • A new perspective on health and disease management
  • Practical knowledge on holistic practices that can aid in recovery
  • Inspiration from Jordan's story of overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges
  • Strategies to empower yourself to lead a healthier and more fulfilled life

Who Should Attend: This workshop is ideal for anyone battling Lyme disease, facing chronic health issues, or simply interested in natural healing and holistic wellness.

For those that cannot attend live, a replay link will be made available to all attendees.

© HatchPath 2024