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A Guide To Practicing More Gratitude (Jackpot: Free Download!)

Jordan Dunin

Apr 12, 2023

Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful and appreciative of what one has in life. Seems simple enough, right? Not quite. If you’ve tried again and again to practice gratitude but keep hitting a wall, you’re not alone. In fact, you're likely among the majority. Between life’s daily distractions and pressure to meet goals, taking time to appreciate what we have can be a challenge.

Today’s society is driven by consumerism, telling us that we always want more. That we always need more. Striving for more is a positive mindset, but the journey also needs to be appreciated. The more you focus on what you don't have, the easier it is to forget what you do have.

Cultivating gratitude through intentional practice can improve mental health and lead to greater overall well-being. It has been shown to reduce stress, increase happiness, and even improve relationships. However, despite its benefits, many people still struggle to practice gratitude on a regular basis.

Why practicing gratitude can be difficult

Negativity bias: Unfortunately, our brains are wired to focus on negative experiences and emotions, clouding all the positivity in our life. This negativity bias makes it easier for us to dwell on life’s shortcomings rather than focus on the good.

Entitlement mindset: Some people wake up with a preconceived notion that they’re “owed” something. Their sense of entitlement leads them to believe that they deserve more than what they have, making it difficult to find appreciation in their lives. This can be a harmful mentality to hold and prevent you from coming to a point in your life where you truly deserve more.

Busy lives: This may be the most common barrier to establishing a consistent gratitude practice. In today's fast-paced world, it can be tough to make yourself dinner, let alone reflect on your day. Constantly being on the go can lead to burnout and leave little time for mindful reflection. With such limited time, gratitude may not be high on your list of priorities, yet it deserves to be.

We made this worksheet just for you! To help you slow down, reflect, and find gratitude in your life. GRAB MY FREE GRATITUDE WORKSHEET!

Tips to change your mentality

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It’s a meditative practice that embraces all your current feelings and senses as they are, rather than dismissing or misinterpreting them. By being mindful and placing emphasis on the good things in your life, you can train your brain to become more grateful.

Keep a gratitude journal: Writing down the things you are grateful for on a daily basis can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life. This can be as simple as jotting down three things you are grateful for each day.

Show appreciation: Expressing gratitude to others can help you become more grateful in your own life. Take the time to thank someone who has helped you or show appreciation for the things others do for you.

Focus on the little things: It's easy to take the small things in life for granted, but they can often bring us the most joy. Don't forget to appreciate the little things in your life, like a stunning sunset or a kind gesture from a stranger.

Change your perspective: Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective. In times when finding the positives seems impossible, it can be helpful to look at things from a fresh angle. Think about where you were a few years ago and where you are now; how much have you grown? Would your younger self be proud of who you are today? Try focusing on what you have instead of what you lack.

While practicing gratitude can be difficult for some, it's important to remember that gratitude is a skill that can be developed with practice. Reshape your mind to recognize the good in your life – growth, health, love, support, and opportunity – and watch your life change. Remember, gratitude is a choice, and it's up to you to make it a part of your life. As the world’s favorite scheming, float-dancing teenager once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Don’t forget to grab your free gratitude worksheet! Download it for yourself or share with a friend here.

We’re in this together! Continue to practice gratitude with the help of a HatchPath health coach.

About the author

Jordan Dunin
Cured Chronic Lyme Disease and TBI Naturally
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As the Founder and CEO of HatchPath, my life's journey has been a tapestry of overcoming and transformation. With a personal history marked by significant health challenges, including Chronic Lyme Disease and a Traumatic Brain Injury, I've navigated a path of resilience and self-discovery. My mission now is to empower others to take control of their lives, implementing essential systems for success.

Together, we will embark on a journey of transformation, focusing on key areas to unlock your full potential:

  • Identify Root Causes: Dive deep to uncover the underlying sources of distress that are hindering your progress.
  • Pursue Purpose-Driven Goals: Collaborate to create a roadmap that aligns your life with your deepest values and aspirations.
  • Establish Leverage and Accountability: Develop a simplified, effective health regimen to prevent self-neglect and maintain focus.
  • Blueprint for Success: Receive a bespoke plan, crafted to help you overcome obstacles and realize your fullest potential.
  • Empowerment: I am dedicated to empowering you to take the helm of your life, steering towards success and fulfillment.

Our journey together is more than a coaching relationship; it's about self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It prioritizes your well-being and is focused on achieving your goals, no matter the obstacles. Your success is my commitment. I am here to support, guide, and celebrate with you, every step of the way.

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