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A Night Owl's Guide to the Perfect Night Routine

Telka Schmidt

Jul 08, 2023

As a night owl myself, I know how frustrating it can feel when trying to slow down for the day and prepare for a restful sleep. Your mind is racing and once you finally have that free-time, all you want to do is stay up late and watch one more episode of your favorite show...we all know how that normally turns out. You may even get a random spurt of energy to clean your room at 2am (if you're anything like me).

Past me would stay up until the early hours of the morning, sometimes not even feeling fatigued or ready to wind down. However, not only was I constantly lethargic or unproductive the following day, but it also put a strain on my immune system and I began getting sick every couple of months.

When I joined the health and wellness space, I really started understanding and appreciating the importance of a good nights sleep. After watching a variety of night routine videos and listening to a handful of podcasts, I decided to keep it simple and create a list of some habits I could add into my night routine after finishing up dinner. These tips will vary for each person and will most likely change as we go through different phases in our life, but here is a short list of how I wind down each evening, even when it feels like I have all the energy in the world.

  1. Get comfortable bedding that you love
  2. Low lighting
  3. Incorpoate essential oils/oil diffuser
  4. Clean up living area, kitchen, and bedroom
  5. Take a warm shower or bath
  6. Get warm and cozy in your bed and read a book
  7. Spend time or catch up with a loved one
  8. Set the temperature a little cooler
  9. Stretch/Yoga
  10. Make a cup of herbal tea

About the author

Telka Schmidt
Gut Health/IBS/SIBO/Hormone Health/PCOS/PMS/Hormone Balance/Women's Health
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Hi, I'm Telka! I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Through my own path of self-discovery, healing, and transformation, I unearthed a passion for health and wellness, a love for listening, and helping you transform into the best version of yourself on AND off your plate. Not only will we discover how to do this through nutrition, but also through focusing on the many areas and obstacles of life we encounter. After struggling with digestive and hormonal imbalances of my own, disordered eating, and mental health issues, I truly believe that my purpose is to guide women towards uncovering the ingredient for self-love, happiness, and the sustainable change that has always been inside of them. Using my personal experience, nutrition knowledge, and health training, I will guide you towards taking steps to becoming your truest and best self.

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