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Gut Health and Bone Density

Marita Thiele

Oct 30, 2023

Really? Gut health can affect our bones? How?

In order to build bones and keep them strong, you need to be abosrbing the nutrients from your food. You may be eating foods that contain the nutrients needed and/or taking supplements that would make your bones stronger however, if your gut is not workking optimally, you will not be absorbing all the nutrients you are taking in. Many factors influence whether you are absorbing your nutrients properly.

  • Stress -If you are chronicly stressed or in a state of fight or flight for an extended period of time, your parasympathetic system does not turn on to allow you to digest. Without rest and relaxation in your daily life, your body doesn't go into a calm state to properly use the nutrients you are putting in. You can provide all the nutrients such as whole grains, fruits, legumes, dark green vegetables, and salmonbut there is no guarantee they will be used unles there are proper conditions within the body to utilize these.

  • Leaky gut - Intestinal permiability occurs for many of us due to our diets being full of sugar and processed foods. The barrier in our intestines which keeps food inside becomes impaired and particles escape into the blood stream causing inflamation. In this state, our nutrients cannot be fully digested and absorbed properly.

  • Food sensitivities- Foods that produce gas and bloating in our bodies allow us to question whether these foods are being digested properly. If gas and bloating occur, you are essentially having a chemical reaction to your food. This will in turn tell your body something foreign is invading and your body will create an immune response and create inflamation. Again, our bodies won't be able to utilize the nutrients from the food.

  • Microbiome inbalance- We have a delicate balance of good and bad bacterias in our stomach. When that balance is disrupted due to eating processed foods, eating sugars, eating foods we are sensitive to, and the stress response, we cannot use our nutrients.

  • Mineral absorption- Many individuals are mineral deficient due to the standard american diet. Optimal levels of magnesium, sodium, and potassium are essential for absorbtion of nutrients. Supplementing with magnesium, and adding lemon with celtic or pink himalayan sea salt to your water can help immensely.

Our gut plays a role in most of our bodies functions. From brain function, to immune fuction, to bone density, we owe it all to the gut. This is why it is so important to take steps to improve your gut health today!

About the author

Marita Thiele
Create Habits that Heal; Family health, Parenting Coaching, Gut Health, Gluten Free Living
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I am a certified integrative and hormone health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I believe our body's systems are all integrated into a whole and when one system is out of balance, it affects the whole. I have a passion for helping people conquer issues related to parenting, family health and gut health.

Moms have a huge job to create habits for their families that will prevent disease. I understand the forces at play against getting the true health information. We have so much to sort through with advertising and social media and not all of it has our best interest at heart. This is were I help moms eliminate factors that lead to disease for our families.

I also know all too well that if your gut isn't right nothing is!
Cramping, diarrhea, low energy, headaches, constipation, blood sugar imbalance, IBS, anxiety and mood swings are all related to the health of your gut. I know how quality of life suffers when you are living with these symptoms. *The worst is they then begin to create other symptoms such as osteoporosis, infertility, PMS and menopause symptoms.

The only way to find relief is to find the root cause of your imbalances and take a whole body approach to wellness. I work with individuals and families to gain more energy, reduce stress, reduce bloat and discomfort and manage the challenges moms face.

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