Lifestyle Hacks to Make Healthy Simple

Marita Thiele

Jul 12, 2023

Do you wonder why you can't seem to wake up rested? Do you find gas and bloating a daily concern? Are you looking for ways to make simple lifestyle hacks that will actually pay off?

Consider the 5 tips below to regain balance in your life!

So many of us are rushing here and there never stopping to wonder why we are fatiqued or why food never seems to agree with our digestion. We want to feel healthier and there is certainly information available to try things that may get us there but who wants to try something that "might" work. My clients tell me these things daily. They are litterally spinning with ideas of what might work or help them reclaim their energy and gut health never knowing what to try first. I encourage them to start with the tried and true solutions that have worked time and time again for my clients.

  1. DRINK WATER- We all think we do but do we really? Our goal is 1/2 our body weight in ounces. So a 160 LB person needs to drink 80 oz of water daily. Start in the morning before coffee with at least one glass. Drink first when you you want to snack mid afternoon as you are more than likely dehydrated instead of hungry.
  2. Are you sleeping? 7-8 hours nightly. All bodily functions depend on sleep. Food digestion, hormone balance, cravings, the list goes on as to the impact sleep has on our body. Get to bed by 10pm and wake at 6 and you will be in business! Is restful sleep an issue. Look for my blog on how to get more restful sleep.
  3. Decide on some nonnegotiables for you and your health. Choose something that you will stick to no matter what. It can be something as small as lemon water upon waking or as big as no snacking after 7 pm. Your choice. But pick something and stick to it. Clients who develop this mentality finally see results. One client said when I decided to have a flex meal (cheat meal) on the weekend instead of making the whole weekend a flex, I began to see change happen.
  4. Make breakfast and lunch prep easy. By choosing two breakfasts you rotate between it makes it easy and creates less mental stress on you. Choose two lunch options as well. They are items you always have in the house and you can just put them together quickly on your way out the door. I always have boiled eggs, sauted chicken and coooked vegetables available in the refrigerator for quick meal prep. Chia pudding with nut butter is another great idea that can be made ahead and provides omega 3's, protein, and fiber for a healthy start to the day.
  5. Most importantly, listen to YOUR body. What is right for another person may/may not be right for you. So many people have great suggestions but without tuning into your own body's signals, you will never know if their idea works for you. We are all created uniquely and cannot depend on what works for someone else as the answer for us. What are you craving, this can provide answers to where your nutritional needs lie.

I hope you get going on one of these today!

About the author

Marita Thiele
Create Habits that Heal; Family health, Parenting Coaching, Gut Health, Gluten Free Living
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I am a certified integrative and hormone health coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I believe our body's systems are all integrated into a whole and when one system is out of balance, it affects the whole. I have a passion for helping people conquer issues related to parenting, family health and gut health.

Moms have a huge job to create habits for their families that will prevent disease. I understand the forces at play against getting the true health information. We have so much to sort through with advertising and social media and not all of it has our best interest at heart. This is were I help moms eliminate factors that lead to disease for our families.

I also know all too well that if your gut isn't right nothing is!
Cramping, diarrhea, low energy, headaches, constipation, blood sugar imbalance, IBS, anxiety and mood swings are all related to the health of your gut. I know how quality of life suffers when you are living with these symptoms. *The worst is they then begin to create other symptoms such as osteoporosis, infertility, PMS and menopause symptoms.

The only way to find relief is to find the root cause of your imbalances and take a whole body approach to wellness. I work with individuals and families to gain more energy, reduce stress, reduce bloat and discomfort and manage the challenges moms face.

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