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Mental Health Focus

Lee Hartman

Mar 02, 2023

How would you like to discover a diet excellent for weight as well as mental health? Absolute best protocol to manage stress, anxiety and depression: Keto! Why fight the spikes and crashes along with brain fog that come with the Standard American Diet when keto generates less free radicals? The ketogenic diet also has profound effects on the gut microbiome which happen to play a role in mental illness. Research analysis looking at multiple studies confirm there is a link between diet and a higher risk of depression. For example, sugar has been shown to increase depression in 3 different ways; by increasing inflammation, by decreasing the brain production of BDNF and by impacting the brain's reward neurochemical dopamine. Schizophrenia, bipolar, adhd, Alzheimer's, parkinson's and epilepsy have shown positive response with keto. Keto has an anti-anxiety effect as well. Binge eating disorder and borderline personality disorder are improved. Nature is smart and includes medicine in food chosen correctly. One of the painful consequences of mental health issues is the medications prescribed usually cause weight gain. Not the case with keto. Majority of patients put on keto in a hospital situation for mental illness lost weight.
Many physicians recommend a low-carb diet for cancer. Dr Mercola's book Fat for Fuel is an example.
Typically poor dismal management of mental health drastically reduces life expectancy with studies showing people with mental illness tend to lose a median 10 years.
Harsh reminder to take care of your brain. I will help!

About the author

Lee Hartman
Metabolic Health Expert
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Cheerful positive coach with no limits to transforming; thought leader, problem solver with gentle support. Hunger is the first element of self-discipline. If I can help you control what you eat and drink, you can control everything else. New research shows metabolic issues are present in all disease, I can help!

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