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My Health Journey: From Hating Myself to Loving Myself

Samantha Mendes

May 31, 2023

For years I struggled with my self-image and the body I was in. I was constantly comparing myself to others and felt like I would never measure up. But when my overall health got worse, I knew I had to make a change. I had the typical acne, bloating, constipation, anything in between, you name it. I didn't feel good about my body and skin, which then made me feel self-conscious on the inside. I started doing research on my own, trying to find natural ways to heal from the inside out.

Here's how I did it, and you can too....

It started with acne. It was one of, if not, my biggest insecurities. My skin to me was something people would see first, and I hated it. So, I decided to do some research. Anything and everything I could find, mostly YouTube videos and instagram reels. I would look up natural remedies, foods, and products that others have used.

What started working for me was diet & nutrition. I started replacing certain foods with other alternatives and I started to see drastic changes. Things like celery juice in the morning, cutting out dairy & gluten and focusing on real whole foods. This also came as a huge benefit to me as an athlete too, because I wanted to make sure I was fueling my body on and off the field.

Once I had more of a routine, I wanted to keep improving my health. I started working out more consistently. It varied from strength training, walking, pilates, etc. I wanted to move my body at least once a day. So diet & exercise, as you hear so often, did and does play a huge role in your health & wellness journey. It certainly did for me, and still does today.

After seeing results and finding some kind of routine for myself, my self-image and confidence slowly started to come back and my mental health altogether was improving.

As the years went on, I started noticing other symptoms and issues started to evolve. I thought it could be gut & hormone related. Again I did my research and tried to find holistic ways to help. It became almost unbearable and overly frustrating for just myself, so I sought out some professional help.

I found a naturopath, and if you don't know what that is, she's amazing! To put into simpler words, "naturopaths are healthcare providers who use natural therapies to support and stimulate healing." I was very keen on finding natural solutions and healing my body from the inside out. After I found a Dr I felt comfortable with, we began a series of protocols specialized for me.

My symptoms varied, such as before, from acne, fatigue, bloating, severe PMS, mood swings, chronic stress, etc.

My mental health then suffered again. I was starting to realize my health was all interconnected. My mind, body, soul. If one felt off, then everything felt off. I was determined to find solutions and put in the work to heal.

We began working towards gut health and making sure that it was all under control. After a few months of highs and lows, I started to see some progress and feel like myself again. I would take a series of supplements that had their own benefits regarding my symptoms. My protocols were specific to me, so what may have worked for me may not work for you.

This is never a quick and easy fix. So after more months, my protocols changed here and there, depending on my symptoms, and we finally found some kind of balance for me and my body. However, I am constantly working with my body, not against it, every day to make sure I am feeling my best.

Some key takeaways:

  • clean up your diet
  • move your body
  • practice mental health
  • Figure out where your root cause may be coming from example, acne is mostly from hormones, gut health, liver
  • Do some research into finding the right Dr for you
  • don't give up. Small victories matter too!

I hope this helps anyone struggling on their own journey to find some motivation!

About the author

Samantha Mendes
Mind, Body, Soul
Visit coach profile

I am a recent IIN Grad, now trying to build my own Health Coaching Business. My passions are soccer, food and wellness. I hope to create a safe space for others, whether they be post grad athletes, current athletes, or simply just want to better their overall health.

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