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Navigating New Fatherhood, Startup Ventures, and Post-Chronic Lyme Wellness

Jordan Dunin

Aug 07, 2023

Hey there, fellow life enthusiasts!

I'm Jordan, founder of HatchPath, and I'm thrilled to open up and share a bit more about the whirlwind that my life has become – a delightful mix of sleepless nights, startup hustles, and the profound journey of reclaiming health after battling Chronic Lyme Disease.

New Dad Chronicles: Becoming a father has been an absolute game-changer. The laughter, the diaper changes, the late-night cuddles – it's a brand new adventure that flips your world upside down in the most beautiful way. The tiny hands that grasp onto your finger remind you of the incredible responsibility and joy that parenthood brings. Being there for those little milestones? It's the definition of priceless.

Startup Dreams: Now, let's talk about HatchPath – my brainchild, my passion, my calling. Being the founder of a startup is like being on a rollercoaster that you simultaneously adore and wonder if you're slightly crazy for hopping on. The highs are euphoric – each achievement feels like I've moved mountains. But there are lows, too – challenges that test your mettle. Yet, seeing the vision unfold is worth every ounce of effort. It's about shaping a platform that brings certified health coaches to the fingertips of those who seek wellness, empowerment, and transformation.

The Lyme Journey: Life threw me a curveball when I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. It was a chapter that redefined my relationship with health. There were days when every step felt like a marathon, and yet, those same days taught me resilience beyond measure. I emerged from that experience with a deep appreciation for the little joys of life and a fire within to share the importance of self-care and wellness with the world.

Balancing Act: So, how do I manage all of this – the baby's laughter, the startup's challenges, and the commitment to my well-being? It's a dance of intentional choices. Mornings start with quiet meditations that ground me for the day ahead. Quality time with my little one and my partner becomes non-negotiable. I've realized that the key to balance isn't a perfectly timed schedule; it's about embracing the messiness with grace and purpose.

This journey has taught me that life's challenges are like pieces of a puzzle that eventually come together to form a beautiful picture. Whether it's the joys of fatherhood, the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, or the pursuit of wellness, it's all about weaving these experiences into a life that's uniquely ours.

As I continue to navigate this incredible journey, I'm curious – how do you find balance in your own multi-faceted life? Let's share stories, inspire one another, and celebrate the beautiful mess that is life.

Here's to embracing the chaos and finding harmony within it.

With gratitude and excitement,


About the author

Jordan Dunin
Cured Chronic Lyme Disease and TBI Naturally
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As the Founder and CEO of HatchPath, my life's journey has been a tapestry of overcoming and transformation. With a personal history marked by significant health challenges, including Chronic Lyme Disease and a Traumatic Brain Injury, I've navigated a path of resilience and self-discovery. My mission now is to empower others to take control of their lives, implementing essential systems for success.

Together, we will embark on a journey of transformation, focusing on key areas to unlock your full potential:

  • Identify Root Causes: Dive deep to uncover the underlying sources of distress that are hindering your progress.
  • Pursue Purpose-Driven Goals: Collaborate to create a roadmap that aligns your life with your deepest values and aspirations.
  • Establish Leverage and Accountability: Develop a simplified, effective health regimen to prevent self-neglect and maintain focus.
  • Blueprint for Success: Receive a bespoke plan, crafted to help you overcome obstacles and realize your fullest potential.
  • Empowerment: I am dedicated to empowering you to take the helm of your life, steering towards success and fulfillment.

Our journey together is more than a coaching relationship; it's about self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It prioritizes your well-being and is focused on achieving your goals, no matter the obstacles. Your success is my commitment. I am here to support, guide, and celebrate with you, every step of the way.

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