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Show Up for Yourself Without Breaking the Bank: 5 Free Ways to Unwind

Jordan Dunin

Dec 28, 2022

We often forget that we have to be the most important people in our lives. Without our own personal strength, we’re not able to show up for those we love. But with the many wellness fads and packages being advertised to us at every corner, the concept of happiness is starting to feel pretty expensive.

Somehow the notion of simply taking the time to check in on yourself became an act of indulgence. A privilege few can enjoy. While a 5-star resort and days unplugged may be a privilege, self-care doesn’t have to be.

Here are some ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle with nothing but your surroundings.

1. Reflect on the things you are grateful for

Relaxing our minds and bodies is the core of self-care, but nurturing those things is just as significant to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Journaling in general is a great act of self-reflection, as letting go of outside distractions and tuning into yourself can be liberating and provide the insight you never knew you had.

Research has shown that focusing on gratitude when journaling can reduce anxiety and depression. A Journal of Personality and Social Psychology study back in 2003 looked at “counting blessings versus burdens” when following three groups of participants reflecting on their days differently: through their resentments, neutral remarks, and positive thoughts.

Those who focused on what they were grateful for began to feel more hopeful and even physically more relaxed. Start out slow by just jotting down a few things you’re grateful for at the start or end of each day.

2. Do absolutely nothing

At the end of the day, self-care is just about putting yourself first. If you’re the kind of person that often finds themselves saying things like…

I have way too much to do I can’t take a break I could never take a vacation**

…a good day of nothingness could be just what the doctor ordered. Refresh your mind and body by relaxing, falling into a favorite book, indulging in comfort food, or just napping the day away.

3. Connect with nature

As good as staying wrapped up in bed all day can feel some mornings, getting up and outside will almost instantly boost your mindset.

Waking up with the sun doesn’t need to coincide with an intense workout either – studies show that even just looking at plant life can boost your mood and improve cognitive function.

Cynthia Frantz, Ph.D., a professor at Oberlin College, reveals that it’s not just about brain power, “Spending time in nature has cognitive benefits, but it also has emotional and existential benefits that go beyond just being able to solve arithmetic problems more quickly.”

It’s not just your short-term well-being that benefits from the great outdoors, but your long-term health as well. According to recent reports, spending time outside can help prevent cardiovascular disease, premature death, high blood pressure, stress, and more.

4. Declutter

As they say, a clean space is a happy space. Kicking off a “me day” with a clean slate will eliminate the petty distractions that often hinder you from taking care of yourself.

Unless deep cleaning is your favorite past-time, don’t overdo it or clean for others rather than yourself. Cluttered, messy atmospheres are often associated with stress and with good reason.

Heaps of neglected dishes, unopened mail, or an unmade bed can potentially bring us discomfort and anxiety. Studies have also shown that clutter is often tied to lower self-control, prompting unhealthy impulses. Taking control over your space can remind you of the power you hold.

Just 15-30 minutes of tidying up can make a huge difference and set you up for an optimistic day.

5. Creative expression

Even if you don’t fancy yourself an artist, treat yourself to a judge-free creative session. Releasing your inhibitions and finding a form of expression outside of yourself can feel empowering and liberating.

A University of Otago study from a few years back discovered that consistent creative and artistic expression can make you happier and more enthusiastic on a day-to-day basis. As Dr. Tamlin Conner stated, their study supports that “engaging in creative behavior leads to increases in wellbeing the next day, and this increased wellbeing is likely to facilitate creative activity on the same day.”

You can be artistic in way of painting, performing, crafting, gardening, glass-blowing, the list goes on forever. Creating something can be more about the process than the outcome, so don’t linger too hard on the idea of perfection.

Use this as an opportunity to free yourself from any resentments or things that may be holding you back.

About the author

Jordan Dunin
Cured Chronic Lyme Disease and TBI Naturally
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As the Founder and CEO of HatchPath, my life's journey has been a tapestry of overcoming and transformation. With a personal history marked by significant health challenges, including Chronic Lyme Disease and a Traumatic Brain Injury, I've navigated a path of resilience and self-discovery. My mission now is to empower others to take control of their lives, implementing essential systems for success.

Together, we will embark on a journey of transformation, focusing on key areas to unlock your full potential:

  • Identify Root Causes: Dive deep to uncover the underlying sources of distress that are hindering your progress.
  • Pursue Purpose-Driven Goals: Collaborate to create a roadmap that aligns your life with your deepest values and aspirations.
  • Establish Leverage and Accountability: Develop a simplified, effective health regimen to prevent self-neglect and maintain focus.
  • Blueprint for Success: Receive a bespoke plan, crafted to help you overcome obstacles and realize your fullest potential.
  • Empowerment: I am dedicated to empowering you to take the helm of your life, steering towards success and fulfillment.

Our journey together is more than a coaching relationship; it's about self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It prioritizes your well-being and is focused on achieving your goals, no matter the obstacles. Your success is my commitment. I am here to support, guide, and celebrate with you, every step of the way.

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