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Take a Mindful Approach to Goal Setting

Jordan Dunin

Dec 16, 2022

Practicing Mindfulness Can Sharpen Your Goals

How we first approach our goals can be just as important as the steps we take to achieve them. Feeling determined and motivated to reach your aspirations is a powerful tool, but it can be easy to end up bullying yourself by setting unrealistic standards.

Goals should be designed to lead us to our best selves, rather than changing us into a shinier version we don’t recognize. Mindfulness is one way that individuals can unearth more fitting goals and follow through with them. What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is essentially being present in the current moment, absorbing all thoughts and feelings with acceptance. The idea being the practice is to tune out the outside world and amplify our sense of self.

A mindful approach aims to awaken our minds, emotions, and bodies to how they are interconnected. Originating from Buddhist meditation practices, mindfulness has become a widely practiced technique that can lessen the negative impacts of various conditions such as anxiety and psychiatric disorders.

The benefits don’t stop there – recent research shows that the act of being mindful can also help to make goals more attainable. There are 7 core principles of mindfulness, two of which are non-judging and non-striving.

The act of non-judgment allows one to free their mind and begin seeing life more clearly. Goals are often driven by heavy pressures and judgments, and while society can be a good motivator, the goal itself might not actually align with your true intentions and purpose. Letting your thoughts flow away leaves room for what you truly feel and desire to be heard.

Mindfulness focuses on doing less and feeling more. That may seem like an opposing mindset to goal-setting, but the practice is ultimately rewarding. Non-striving is the technique of slowing down and accepting the present moment. This action can feel like a clean slate and allow individuals to set new goals with intrepidity and intention.

Non-striving reminds us that we can accept ourselves as we are and still want to better ourselves. In order to take the steps toward our best selves, we have to accept who we are at the heart.

Setting goals with a mindful practice is a means to be nicer to yourself. It can be easy to feel defeated when we don’t succeed in what we set out to accomplish, but that only hurts us in the long run. Goals should be approached with kindness, flexibility, and passion. Setting SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) goals have been a widely used framework for defining goals for decades now. The criteria are proven to form sharp goals by breaking them down into as many components as possible. Here are a few questions to stimulate your thought process during each step of establishing a goal. With a clear mind, these questions can be answered from the heart.

Specific Specificity is key to setting an impactful goal. What needs to be accomplished? Is anyone other than you responsible? What is the first action item you will take to meet your goal?

Measurable The only way to track progress is by establishing clear metrics. How will you measure the goal? What are your personal benchmarks?

Achievable Setting unrealistic goals is only going to result in negative outcomes. Is the goal attainable? Can you comfortably accomplish this in the potential timeline? Can this goal be split into two?

Relevant Identifying why it is you’re setting a goal will help you see things from a broader perspective and determine if your goal is truly important to you and your wellness. Why do you want to accomplish this goal? Has this goal always been important to you?

Time-Bound ** Without an end date, a goal could go unfinished forever. When will you get started? Are there other components that impact the time frame? When would you like to have reached your goal?

Mindfulness and SMART goals

Exercising mindfulness allows one to live in the present moment with clarity of thought. This leads to realistic reflection which is a prerequisite for proper goal-setting. Practicing mindfulness as part of your goal-setting process will allow for strong, purposeful goals you can achieve.

Goals tend to have a strong emphasis on the outcome, which makes perfect sense, although what about all of the efforts we put in before we see the outcome? Without recognizing and observing each step, we can feel like we’re working in circles. Setting goals based on effort rather than solely on results helps to concentrate on the journey more so than just the end result.

Goals like stretching every morning or dedicating thirty minutes to daily journaling are actionable and within one’s control. Whereas goals with concrete outcomes such as losing 10 pounds by a certain date or finishing all incomplete projects don’t account for the process whatsoever. We can never dictate the outcome of our actions, only the actions themselves.

Taking time to evaluate your goals and leaving room for unexpected obstacles helps to establish a healthy mindset that nurtures your spirit and pushes you to carry on. Making sure your intentions and actions are aligned will set you up for a fulfilling and abundant life.​​

About the author

Jordan Dunin
Cured Chronic Lyme Disease and TBI Naturally
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As the Founder and CEO of HatchPath, my life's journey has been a tapestry of overcoming and transformation. With a personal history marked by significant health challenges, including Chronic Lyme Disease and a Traumatic Brain Injury, I've navigated a path of resilience and self-discovery. My mission now is to empower others to take control of their lives, implementing essential systems for success.

Together, we will embark on a journey of transformation, focusing on key areas to unlock your full potential:

  • Identify Root Causes: Dive deep to uncover the underlying sources of distress that are hindering your progress.
  • Pursue Purpose-Driven Goals: Collaborate to create a roadmap that aligns your life with your deepest values and aspirations.
  • Establish Leverage and Accountability: Develop a simplified, effective health regimen to prevent self-neglect and maintain focus.
  • Blueprint for Success: Receive a bespoke plan, crafted to help you overcome obstacles and realize your fullest potential.
  • Empowerment: I am dedicated to empowering you to take the helm of your life, steering towards success and fulfillment.

Our journey together is more than a coaching relationship; it's about self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It prioritizes your well-being and is focused on achieving your goals, no matter the obstacles. Your success is my commitment. I am here to support, guide, and celebrate with you, every step of the way.

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