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What is Holistic Nutrition?

Carys Degenhardt

Nov 14, 2022

With so many different health practitioners in the world, it can be a confusing space to nagivate. There are nutritionists, dieticians, naturaopathic doctors, health coaches, among many others, and each offer unique services and guidance to their clients. In order to determine which type of health practitioner will best help someone work towards and achieve their health goals, it it important first to understand what they each do. Below I share information and break down what holistic nutriton is and what a holistic nutritionist might do. Please note, often holistic nutritionists are also considered health coaches.

Holistic nutrition takes into consideration the whole person, which is inclusive of, physical, mental, biologic and social factors, rather than just symptoms. Holistic nutrition is therefore a more well-rounded natural approach to ensuring our bodies have everything they need to function, not only properly, but optimally. Since this approach takes into consideration the whole person, and each person is unique, this approach is therefore tailored to the individual, rather than a generalized set of rules that we are often conditioned to believe should work for everyone.

A holistic nutritionist works as a catalyst for individuals to learn the best way to not only fuel their own bodies, but also to heal themselves, and create lifestyle shifts to bring about an optimal way of moving through the world.

If you are curious about working with a holistic nutritionist, one of the best ways to kick-start your health journey is by scheduling a session where I assess which manageable steps will work with your lifestyle in order to make a shift towards an elevated quality of life. We will discuss your health concerns / goals, and can address any existing issues or symptoms to determine root causes in order to find the best solution for you.

About the author

Carys Degenhardt
Gut Health, Sleep Hygiene, Weight Loss
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I am a holistic nutritionist and coach that turns to food, nature-based therapies and mindset to create massive transformation.

Through simple routines and lifestyle shifts we have the potential to be exactly how we authentically see ourselves. It would be my privilege to guide and coach you on this journey, acting as an accountability partner for your health goals. Being held accountable to goals we set for ourselves is so helpful in feeling supported and staying consistent. This is where change happens and how we can step into future versions of ourselves by becoming healthier and living a more optimal life.

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