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Why can I not stay motivated to exercise?

Samantha Mendes

Jun 20, 2023

Do you find it challenging to maintain motivation when it comes to regular exercise? If so, you're not alone. Many individuals struggle to stay motivated in their fitness journey, often finding their initial enthusiasm fading away over time. However, the good news is that discipline can serve as a powerful boost to sustain your commitment and help you overcome motivational hurdles. Here are some ket takeaways I have learned throughout my own journey and I hope they help you too.

  1. Enjoy the process

One common reason why people struggle to stay motivated is because they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. They may envision immediate and drastic results, failing to recognize that fitness is a long-term commitment. Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, cultivate a disciplined mindset that emphasizes progress over perfection. Embrace the journey and appreciate the small milestones along the way, knowing that consistency and effort are key.

  1. Make goals for yourself

Whether they are big or small, working towards something just makes it that much more fun. When you don't have a specific target in mind, it becomes difficult to stay focused and committed. Set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Discipline yourself to track your progress regularly, celebrating each milestone achieved and adjusting your goals as necessary.

  1. Be consistent

Consistency is vital in any exercise routine, but without a structured schedule, it's easy to lose motivation. Discipline yourself to establish a consistent exercise routine that fits into your daily life. Treat your workouts as non-negotiable appointments with yourself and prioritize them accordingly. By integrating exercise into your routine, it becomes a habit rather than a sporadic activity.

  1. Accountability

Discipline can help address this challenge by seeking external support. Consider finding a workout buddy, joining fitness classes, or hiring a personal trainer. The presence of others and the commitment you make to them can serve as powerful motivators. For me personally, finding that wokrout partner has helped tremendously and it makes working out that much more fun.

  1. Get creative

Repeating the same exercises or routines can become tedious and demotivating over time. To combat this, embrace discipline by experimenting with different forms of exercise. Try new activities, join group classes, or explore outdoor workouts. By adding variety to your routine, you'll keep things interesting, challenge your body in new ways, and maintain your enthusiasm.

"Discipline will take you places that motivation can't." Remeber that. By understanding the common reasons behind the lack of motivation and implementing strategies to foster discipline, you can overcome the challenges and achieve sustainable progress. Remember, motivation may come and go, but discipline is what will ultimately keep you going on your fitness journey. Embrace discipline as your boost, and let it lead you towards a healthier and happier life.

Remember we are all on our own journey so find what works for you!

About the author

Samantha Mendes
Mind, Body, Soul
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I am a recent IIN Grad, now trying to build my own Health Coaching Business. My passions are soccer, food and wellness. I hope to create a safe space for others, whether they be post grad athletes, current athletes, or simply just want to better their overall health.

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