Erica McColman

Your food impacts your mood and I help you make healthy choices that leave you feeling good.
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I am a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, graduating with honours in 2016. I specialize in nutrition for the brain.

Why the brain?

  • My passion for the brain comes from working with the elderly in a retirement setting for over 7 years, witnessing mental health and addiction growing up and my own journey with ADHD and mental health.
  • This all lead me to understand that what you put in your body (including your thoughts) has a direct impact on how well our brains function.

Life changing experiences that cemented my passion in the brain: * Studying nutrition at IHN * The book The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge * Studying Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at the Beck Institute

"Our mood impacts our food choices and our food choices can impact our moods. As a nutritionist, I teach you how to make healthier food choices that leave you FEELING GOOD and support your brain health." Erica McColman

What you get working with me:

  • Empathetic understanding that it is all done in stages at your own pace. Small consistent action over time creates lasting change.
  • Together we leverage what resonates with you, if you want to start with diet we start with diet. If you want to start with sleep we get you sleeping. You are your own health authority. I am here to help guide and educate.
  • 8+ years experience working with people who have ADHD, anxiety, depression, addiction, hormonal imbalances that impact their brain health, pregnancy and postpartum brain, Alzheimer's Disease and cognitive decline prevention.
  • Gut-brain axis healing.
  • Full nutritional assessment, health history, and dietary assessment. Each client receives a personalized nutrition plan that includes dietary recommendations, supplement recommendations, and lifestyle and exercise recommendations. The plan is broken down into clear and obtainable goals to sustainably take on each recommendation making small changes over time.

The Institute of Holistic Nutrition - 2016
Verified by HatchPath


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Erica McColman

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