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Distance reiki healing treatment✨ POWER UP SESSION

Gabrielle Joy
Exact price is subject to fees and taxes.


Life & Holistic Health


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Single POWER UP 30 minute distance reiki healing treatment✨


Reiki translates as 'universal life force energy' and is a form of energy healing which works at balancing the energy within your energy field; the basis being a healthy flow of energy, sometimes known as 'qi', that is free from blockages, results in overall health and vitality.

Energy blockages can stem from physical injury, traumas, suppressed emotions, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, stress, and more... and over time, when left, these energy blockages can manifest as ailments on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.

Reiki, similar to acupuncture only less invasive and without needles, helps restore the flow of energy and remove these blockages.

Distance reiki healing works as reiki is not bound by time or space - meaning you can receive the power of reiki even from the other side of the planet to the practitioner!

During a distance treatment we will meet on video call, where you will first be guided through a short breathwork and visualisation practice to allow yourself to drift into a peaceful slumber. This will then be followed by the reiki treatment, with gentle relaxing music playing in the background. It isn't necessary for your camera to be on during the treatment - and the best part? You can receive reiki from the comfort of your own home, even in your own bed!

This treatment is a shorter, ‘power up’ session - a 30 minute reiki session perfect for you if you’re a busy bee rushed for time and unable to fit in a longer session into your schedule. Just because they’re shorter, does not make the treatment less powerful - these sessions are equally potent and you will still feel the healing benefits.

(Note: reiki is a cumulative treatment - meaning the more treatments you have, the deeper level your healing will go. However do note: even through receiving just one treatment, you will still receive benefits, as reiki flows where you need it most in that moment!)

Here's to your healing <3

Program sessions


  • 5.00 / 5 (average rating)

    Abby Baxter

    Distance reiki healing treatment✨ POWER UP SESSION

How it works

Book a Session

Pick the ideal coach based on their expertise and program details. Check the coach’s calendar for available time slots that fit your schedule. Secure your spot by booking a session at a convenient time.

Payment and Session Confirmation

Complete the secure payment process through Stripe. Receive a booking confirmation after successful payment.

Attend Your Session

Get reminders and notifications to ensure you don’t miss your session. Access HatchPath up to 10 minutes before the session to join the video call with your coach.

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