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Full and New Moon Ceremonies - Single Session (monthly)

Claudia Howick
Exact price is subject to fees and taxes.


Mindfulness & Spiritual


    breathworkyoga nidrachakra alignmentenergy healingguided meditationabundance coachingmanifestationjournalling


Guided Meditation; journalling; healing Yoga Nidra; releasing rituals; Reiki + Visualisation.


Each month I guide participants through a complete Ceremony, tuned to the energy of each Lunar Cycle, leaving us in alignment to receive our manifestations, our energetic field clear to release all that we no longer need.

During a Full Moon the focus is more on releasing, letting go and surrendering, whilst on a New Moon the focus shifts to creation, manifestation and expansion. While there is no “right or wrong”, you can be as intuitive with you like with these rubrics and really tailor the sessions towards your current needs and specific desires.

Through guided Meditation, Visualisation and group journalling we work through limiting beliefs that may be holding us back or posing blockages in our lives.

The structure of the ceremony begins with a grounding Meditation or breath work practice to settle into the space and set Intentions. 
We then go onto our journaling practice; where I give you several journal prompts relating to the themes of this Full Moon. Through journalling we gain access to the subconscious mind in a unique way; as we become the observer of our innermost thoughts, we allow our unconscious patterns, behaviours and belief systems come to the surface so that we can work through and ultimately overcome them and create new, expansive ones.

Following this, we enter into either a releasing or manifestation ritual. These rituals are often creative - using either writing, art or some form of movement (such as Yoga, Qi Gong or intuitive dance) to allow the energy of all that we are letting go to flow through us, as we intentionally create space for newness what we desire to enter in.

To end, we simply relax. Carving out a quarter of our time together to lay down and be guided through a Yoga Nidra session. In Yoga Nidra we enter into the state between sleep and wakefulness. Accompanied by binaural beats and healing sound baths, the focus is full body relaxation, complete surrender and calming the nervous system, in order to integrate the practices of the ceremony.

Each ceremony lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.

Program sessions

How it works

Book a Session

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Payment and Session Confirmation

Complete the secure payment process through Stripe. Receive a booking confirmation after successful payment.

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