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 Group workshop
Mindfulness & Spiritual
My Compassionate Self: Mindset Work and Hypnotherapy Workshop


A space to learn and embrace extending compassion to yourself the way you do others.


This workshop aims to provide space for you to show yourself love and compassion in a safe and loving environment through a mix of coaching and hypnotherapy.

We will delve into what makes up a self-compassionate mindset, how to cultivate more self-compassion and through the hypnotherapy practice we will create deeper levels of worth, love and kindness for the self.

Practicing self-compassion is fundamental to your mental health and wellbeing.

Things in life are already painful. You, adding to that pain, is only making things worse. So learning to hold your hand through the pain is what’s going to get you through.

This workshop will leave you with …

The ability to accept yourself for the beautifully imperfect human you are.

Forgiveness for yourself in every season.

A new lens for which to view your future decisions, choices and desires.

© HatchPath 2024