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Karina S. Schneidman

Aug 22, 2024

Written By: Karina S. Schneidman

Disclaimer: I am not offering any medical advice, suggestions on treatment or medical expertise. These are my blogs, they are my thoughts based on my own experience and some knowledge I retained.

Some brains mimic other brains, some share habits, responses, abilities, and characteristics. However no two have the same brain anatomy. Each combination of genetic factors, experiences and the behavioral habits dictate how the brain will actually function. Much like fingerprints, the brain is special, special to your specific needs and wants.

Let’s say you were recently diagnosed (or self-diagnosed) with a neurodivergent brain or even mood disorders. Maybe its ADHD or a Spectrum based functional brain, or anxiety, depression, etc, now what? Suddenly a lot of things make sense, right? Maybe you understand the why and the how. You might even finally feel seen and understood. That “aha” moment about how you process information finally makes sense! Relief and fear may run through your body (especially if you are diagnosed later in life.) You worry about what this means and how this changes your life, maybe? Maybe not.

This is only the beginning. Yes, you have a different brain, but we all do. Yes, it comes with its own challenges, but we all have challenges. Did you know that based on science we only know about 10% of the brain. Apparently, we can diagnose someone with a different brain yet out of 100% of what we should know we only know around 10%. We know that on average our brain processes around 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them are repetitive. We also know that our brains have the capacity to select which thoughts we want to keep and which we want to purge. Do you know why it’s so hard to study the brain? One of the reasons is because of free will. The prediction factor is not set in stone. Which means that each brain encompasses millions of variables.

So now I must ask you, knowing all this information, understanding how little we know, who told you that you can’t remember something, can’t understand something, can’t manage something, can’t get out of bed, can’t adult, who? I bet it’s your brain that told you this, right? And who is responsible for filtering your thoughts? A diagnosis isn’t a treatment nor an answer it’s just a window into the house you’ve already built. I urge you to take the 10% you know and create the 90% you don’t know with discipline, a commitment and hardship to live in the 90% not the 10%. Your brain is not a stop sign, it is a yellow light, proceed with caution, but proceed anyway. If you work with me or have worked with me in the past, you know that I operate through accountability and resilience. I do it because above all, I believe in free will and the power of the mind over the matter. I may only know very little and even less about your brain, but what I do know is the power of discipline and resilience.

You feel overwhelmed? I hear you. I understand. Is this a stop sign though just because you’re overwhelmed?

I am so privileged, it’s kind of crazy.

I can call my friends and complain about my hard day. I can stream LOST and order food to be delivered to me within an hour. I have air conditioning, healthy children, a wonderful spouse, incredible friends, plus a career that I invested in that gives me absolute joy. However, I also have ADHD, CPTSD, Panic disorder, a rare auto-immune (which has zero chance of going dormant) that causes permanent blindness, hair loss, muscle spasms, exhaustion and restlessness. I have so much stacked against me it’s not even funny. But here I am living in the 90% I created. I still get overwhelmed, anxious and panicky. I still feel restless, depressed and exhausted. It doesn’t go away, ever. I just don’t allow it room in my 90% because when I do, I’m back at 10%. My life is more than 10% and so is yours.

About the author

Karina S. Schneidman
My Approach is Based on Your Intent, Mindset and Your Ultimate Goals.
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I focus on each client's unique goals, creating a customized, actionable plan to help them achieve success. My approach is direct yet empathetic, results-driven but flexible. I provide guidance and support every step of the way, with the ultimate goal of empowering you to overcome fears and obstacles, and become self-sufficient in your personal growth.

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