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Answers to common questions about Huna

Laura Dias

Jun 26, 2023

How does Sanctuary Within Healing incorporate an integrated approach to wellness that encompasses the body, mind, and spirit?

If we look at ourselves, this human existence, from a Huna perspective we look at something that we call the “three selves” within us and as a team they must all work together for effectiveness. These three selves are the conscious mind called the Lono, the subconscious mind called the Ku and the Higher Self named Amakua. We look at the Ku, the subconscious, as the program and it learns itself from experience. The Ku bases its reality on the past only and withholds habits or ways to cope with carrying the density of past pain that has not been forgiven or cleared. A great deal of burden is carried by the Ku in the form of low vibrational energy which becomes stored in the body and the Ku works hard to have its needs met within this energetic vibration which can surface feelings of isolation and loneliness. The Lono who is our conscious mind is the part of us that needs discipline to lead the Ku and in turn align with our Higher Self, higher consciousness, to answer the call through higher awareness and pure presence. Our work here is to invite this part of our mind strong by connecting with the Ku and the Higher Self and then overseeing the pain body’s response to our physical reality and showing Ku new direction leading to a more harmonious life experience. When Lono is not caught up in Ku’s influence we invite in the channeling of Spirit with inspiration, direction and purpose. Our Higher Self is a dual entity and is the source of our truest nature and expression. The secret of Huna is connecting Lono with Ku by bringing it love and the Higher Self creates the world, the physical reality for the conscious mind. This is the integrated approach in Huna that brings forward peace and harmony within.

Can you explain the concept of finding true nature and the importance of navigating within ourselves for personal transformation?

It is a journey within to ask ourselves such questions as “who am I, really?”, “what are my deepest desires and why aren’t living them”, “what do I believe to be true about myself, the world, my relationships and is there space here to perhaps transform these beliefs if any of these areas are not in harmony with the truth of who I am? Finding our truest nature is a sober assessment of who we are at our core.

What role does the Higher Source play in the healing process at Sanctuary Within Healing, and how does it serve as a conduit for healing in the subtle realm?

In my practice of working with clients it is always the connection with your Higher Self that we embrace and invite in as this consciousness is the energy that inspires one to remember who they are and awakens the body to its own intelligence and wisdom to heal. Humans tend to believe what is tangible and in form which we call material, however everything that we need to heal is within us including your power to connect with the inspiration and love of Higher Self which is a subtle energy. It is there, you just need to treat this relationship like any other that you value and wish to grow. We have free will on this human journey but we also have free won’t and if your choices aren’t from the heart but only from the mind then this is an indication that your relationship with your Higher Self is looking for focus.

Could you elaborate on the Shamanism and Huna healing modalities used at Sanctuary Within Healing and how they facilitate healing and remembrance of one’s true nature?

In my practice I enjoy using different modalities based on one’s healing journey. This could be Kahi (hands on) or body scanning (hands off), guided meditation, shamanic journeying, sound therapy, Ho’oponopono, Aqualead healing, inner child work, chakra balancing and more. The modality used is unique to where the client’s Higher Self is asking us to navigate and what is needed to be known and healed is always a clear intention for a session. The foundation of Huna is always journeying within and finding ways to love yourself more thus igniting the power within.

How does Sanctuary Within Healing help individuals release conditioning and misperceptions to cultivate true health and wellness, and what specific techniques or practices are employed in this process?

Sanctuary Within guides clients to look at their beliefs and conditions and to take 100% responsibility for their own healing. We say if you do the work the work works! If your life isn’t returning love and reciprocity in relationships, if your career isn’t lighting you up and if your health isn’t where you want it to be then taking inventory of your thoughts that lead to your emotions which lead to actions and ultimately your balance of imbalance of harmony in your life then the foundation is calling for attention and focus. What you water grows, so we ask what are you watering? Are you continuously watering what you truly don’t want and are there areas of your life that you may wish to provide more water to? A seed can only grow with love and support but left alone it will unlikely flourish.

About the author

Laura Dias
Huna Practitioner/ Spiritual Guide
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I am Laura Dias, Founder of Sanctuary Within Healing, a Certified Huna Practitioner, and Energy Healer. Embracing the Huna and Shamanism mindset, I believe in the unity of mind, body, and spirit as a prerequisite for healing. Serving as a conduit for higher intelligence, I connect with the love, light, and support of the Spiritual realm, holding space for healing and guidance, respecting your free will.

Working with me, you can expect a nurturing and compassionate space where healing is approached holistically. Through Huna and Shamanic practices, I will guide you to align your mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your inner wisdom and innate healing abilities. With the support of higher intelligence, we will explore your unique healing journey, honoring your free will and personal growth. Together, we will ignite transformative shifts, leading you towards true self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper connection to your authentic nature.

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