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Celiac Disease

Hannah Charron

Mar 14, 2023

My fave topic because I’m Celiac AF 😄

Celiac Disease (CD) is an auto immune diagnosis where the surface of the small intestine used for absorption (villi) is completely wiped by the damage of gluten.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye & honestly so much more - there are way too many hidden sources of gluten. There’s even gluten in the sealable lick strip of an envelope 👅

Anyways, this damage done to the small intestine can lead to an inability to absorb nutrients, which can then lead to conditions like anemia, osteoporosis, extreme fatigue, ulcers, infertility, dental defects, poor thyroid function / thyroid disease, neurological issues & sadly quite a bit more.

There are typical symptoms of CD, but many more that are atypical. Diagnosis is difficult to recognize since symptoms are often pretty vague & nonspecific. Intestinal & non. Personally if I accidentally consume gluten, I experience severe anxiety & panic attacks, swelling of the ears, vomiting & hot flashes. The list of symptom possibilities is hefty.

Buuuut celiacs aren’t the only peeps who should avoid gluten. There’s also Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS), Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Gluten Ataxia, Gluten Intolerance & just a good ol’ wheat allergy.

If you’re struggling to figure out your relationship with gluten, let’s look into it & work on it🫡 I’m a pro of course & have many concerns about the education surrounding gluten containing products, the nutritional adequacy of labelled GF products & how to prepare a well rounded diet while avoiding gluten.

About the author

Hannah Charron
Fitness Nutrition / Celiac / Weight Loss / Gut Health
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Similarly to many of us working in the wellness world, my personal health journey is what brought me into it and today I flourish in helping anyone that I can. My experience, combined with my education, allows me to effectively navigate others into a healthful lifestyle through attainable & sustainable balanced eating & uplifting habits. While I am professional, I want my clients to feel they can be exactly themselves around me! I do like to find humour in things because life is too short to be too serious & boring. Plus laughing is extremely good for you and your abs. Hannah Health is my guidance towards elevated health & getting in touch with yourself. I'm fascinated by the role that the gut has on the brain, and am passionate in educating others on the link between the two. Coming from a history of severe anxiety, heavy medication use, high stress, extreme disordered eating, amenorrhea, hypothyroidism & being celiac, I know first-hand about the challenges that it takes to heal.

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