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Course Correct

Karina S. Schneidman

Jun 22, 2024

**I think…we all have an incredible GPS system wired into our souls. **

No, I am not crazy (well mostly), I am very serious. You may refer to it as your “gut feeling/intuition/internal insight”, but really, it’s a GPS system. It tells you exactly where to go, where not to go, warns you of traffic and accidents. I am willing to bet that at any given time that you are dealing with a situation, task, complication (you know….life) your GPS tells you exactly what to do and screams at you when you ignore it. I am also willing to bet that at least 50% of you reading this are actively ignoring your GPS on a regular basis.

Your GPS: “I know you’re scared but you need to do this”, “I don’t like their energy”, “she/he is lying”, “you can do this, you’ve got this…”, “don’t get involved, don’t say anything, this isn’t your business”, “walk away...”

You: “But But But…..Whatever, pfft.” Ignore.

So how many times have you ignored your GPS until you regret it, “I should have listened to my instinct...” Probably as many times as I did until I let go of my hopes and focused on what was happening not what I wished would happen. A lot of anxiety comes from ignoring your GPS and pretending like things will be different. A lot of depression and mood swings happen from ignoring your GPS and then beating yourself up for not listening to it.

Well, guess what? You can always course correct. Right?

You CAN make better more cranial and thought processed choices, choices that allow you to listen to your GPS. Listen to your innate ability know the right answer (for you.) Again, I go back to accountability. You expect (yes you do) that your co-workers, clients, friends, partners, and or kids listen to you, but you barely listen to yourself. Your GPS is your accountability to yourself. You can make difficult decisions a bit easier.

How do you know if it’s your GPS versus your hopes and idealistic emotions about thoughts? Your emotional thoughts will lead you to the road of least resistance (the easy way out.) Your GPS will guide you towards choices that require more effort, more work and more dedication to be honest and resilient. Your GPS will force you to hold yourself accountable and disallow for bullshit excuses, impulsive decisions and moral hypocrisy. It will not allow you to indulge too much in pity, complaining and self-doubt.

Don’t listen to me, listen to your gut on this one!

About the author

Karina S. Schneidman
My Approach is Based on Your Intent, Mindset and Your Ultimate Goals.
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I focus on each client's unique goals, creating a customized, actionable plan to help them achieve success. My approach is direct yet empathetic, results-driven but flexible. I provide guidance and support every step of the way, with the ultimate goal of empowering you to overcome fears and obstacles, and become self-sufficient in your personal growth.

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