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Full Moon, Full Heart

Claudia Howick

Mar 08, 2023

Virgo is calling you to ground as the Full Moon settles her energy into our own.

I personally feel that the mix between earthy, steadfast Virgo and flowy Pisces is a dream incarnated into reality, one that we have the power over acting upon, whether that be in the big, wide, outside world, or to keep the secrets that we hold to our own magic within, and sit with the child-like experience a little longer.

Here are some things to note about this Full Moon:

You may feel a pull towards practices that ground you and make you feel steady and rooted. 

This is the perfect time to restablish your connection to your Root Chakra. Now is an amazing time to reconnect to those opening belief systems that keep you rooted in your sense of Self and who you are, in what you want and in the practices that keep you grounded and feeling safe.

Ask yourself:

*In what areas of my life do I currently feel the need to struggle in order to survive, and where do I still believe that I must struggle before I can truly Thrive?

Where am I blocking myself from receiving? How can I create space internally, for things to come to me with more ease?

What can I do to feel more safe within my body, my mind and my surroundings? How can I reflect that in my environment (more)?*

Somatic practices to connect to during this time:

  • *Ujjayi* breathing ;

    place your hand in-front of your face and take a deep breath in. Imagine on the exhale that you are breathing on a car window on a frosty day to draw a picture on it. As you continue this breath, begin to emanate that same sound with your mouth closed; this looks like the tongue at the roof of your mouth, creating the sound with a soft restriction at the back of your throat when you exhale.

  • Grounding visualisation ;

    sit with your feet planted on the floor and close your eyes. Immediately visualise a thread beginning at the very base of your spine, elongating all throughout your spinal chord, through your torso, expanding into your chest, opening through your throat and extending out of your Crown. Envision the base of your spine as the roots of a tree; with each inhale these roots sink deeper into the ground and with every exhale they equally soften as they become more at ease in their space. Continuing with this breath: as you inhale, allow your spine to lengthen and imagine this thread pulling you up from the very top of your head; if you feel called, lean into this energetic resistance between the lengthening and opening, and the deep grounding and contracting.

    Pisces lingering in the air might be tugging at you to not lose sight of your dreams. Whether this is on a large or small scale, or both, take note of how it makes you feel and any resistance you have to listen to this calling.

Ask yourself:

*How can I release control of this Present Moment, and allow myself to be lead?

Where do I feel blocked in my life currently? Is it a mental or emotional blockage? Physical or financial? Spiritual? In what way are my belief systems adding to this blockage? What can I do now to surrender to it now that I have identified it? Where can I go from here to release it fully? (Extra: What is it teaching me about how I view the world and myself within it?)

How can I marry Action with Surrender? Where can I embrace ease and let it come to me, knowing that I am safe, rooted and established in all that I have already created for myself?*

Somatic practices to connect to during this time:

  • flow breathing ;

    i definitely made this name up, but that doesn’t make it any less effective… sit in a comfortable, meditative seat and commit to closing your eyes, listening exclusively to the sound of your breath and don’t decide where it ends. What I love about this meditation is that it has no rules; you could be breathing continuously for five-minutes straight and the World could reveal all of her secrets to you, or you could let the tide carry you away and awake to find yourself on the shore of your own Consciousness, 40-minutes down the line, potentially unsure of whether you are coming or going.. The aim of this breath is to connect so deeply to your Intuition, that beaming, radiant and exhalted version of You who always knows what to do, who knows when to begin and when to end and who trusts themselves so deeply, their faith becomes unshakable. Try this. Put your Ego aside and lean into your deepest Self. What happens when you allow deep, unwavering Trust to take the lead, knowing that this is the foundation that will set you up to believe more greatly in your own potential? Simply by listening to that innate Intuitive voice and promising yourself, that just for this once, you will not decide where it ends.

    • Trust me*, time will vanish from the equation here, so whatever you need, trust that you need it.
  • free flowing ;

    i know that this isn’t for everyone, but if you feel like carving out just ten minutes to roll out your mat if you have one, put on some music that makes you feel connected in your body, and let your body flow without judgement or constriction, you may be surprsised at where it takes you. Pair this dance of Surrender with a grounding exercise that makes you feel somewhat guided and more able to lean into the uncertainty that you may feel at the beginning. As I said, rolling out your mat lets your body know that you are about to begin a practice; putting on music sets your body up for sommatic release. As simple as these actions are, setting up your space in a way that roots you and feels logical, giving the brain a direction to follow, it takes the fear out of it. Because that’s all it really is; even writing that, it seems silly that we would feel fearful about simply being with our bodies and letting them move to the tune of their own natural rhythm, but the Ego brings us into a fear-state when we choose to face these new ways of practicing because the unknown is resembled in-front of us. But when that unknown is just us, and we can find ways to ground down into it, it suddenly becomes a lot less scary.

The thing that I love the most about this Full Moon is the polarity of energies coming together to work for us. We seldom equate rootedness and a steady pace of life to a free-spirited nature, but this is exactly where we find ourselves here. I feel that the Universe is showing us how easy it can be, to work with the polarities within our own selves and sit back and observe as they dance without interruption, in awe because we once thought that they could never be in flow.

We are being shown that they can. We have just been shown that they can.

It is time for us to step up, to Let Go and Let God. To release control of mimicking the outcomes of every single thing that we plan and, instead, connect deep to what we know to be True, to all that we have learned up until this point, to our true values, opening belief systems, and to ground ourselves into OUR Truth, to sink into our ROOTS and tie ourselves to them, knowing that there is no possibility of them ever coming undone, because they represent such a solid foundation and internal structure: unbreakable.

Enjoy this Full Moon energy, my loves. Sink into it. Don’t be ruled by fear. Liberate yourselves from your own mind and dive unafraid into Flow - It awaits You. See you on the other side x

Love, blessings and light,


p.s. curious about practicing with me? If you are looking to expand your awareness, deepen your connection and come back to yourself, here is everything you need. Guided somatic and breathing pracitces, one-to-one mentoring to support your holistic health and monthly ceremonial spaces. always open to inquiries without committment.


About the author

Claudia Howick
Somatic + Subconscious Healing
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Passionate about creating a life that I love from the inside out, I have been merging my love for creative expression with the path of Yoga & Holistic Health. Since becoming a coach and realising my own power, I seek to inspire others to realise theirs. My style of coaching is a unique blend of 1-1 sessions and conscious movement and Yoga, along with accessing the subconscious mind through breath work and meditation. My goal is to guide you on a journey to bring your Soul back to Earth (hence the name, Alma Y Tierra - Soul & Earth); to connect to what “health” truly means to you and empower you to live a life that embodies this from within, taking what you need and leaving what you don’t, whether you are seeking to expand your Consciousness and broaden your Spiritual horizons, ready to learn how to regulate your emotional wellbeing and heal your energy from within, or if physical health and nutrition is your priority. Thank you for your presence!

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