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GUT HEALTH - From Fasting to Fulfillment Healing My Relationship with Food

Irene Adams

Oct 02, 2024

While I have always known about the importance of proper nutrition and whole foods, stemming from my childhood, I lost my relationship with food for a long period of time, which I never thought was possible.

It started with intermittent fasting. I am not suggesting that intermittent fasting is not beneficial, what I am saying is that it must be done PROPERLY!

Initially, I gained the benefits of intermittent fasting. I lost weight and felt good. However, that eventually changed as I took it too far, leading to the loss of my hunger and fullness cues, that we all innately have, anxiety, depression, hair loss and so much more. Essentially, it wreaked havoc on my mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Although I was aware that fueling my body with healthy and whole foods was crucial, as I had always done, I wasn’t feeding my body enough, due to the fact that my hunger and fullness cues were gone, as noted above. The weight loss plateaued, as my body was consuming energy because it wasn’t sure when it was going to get properly fed again. This eventually lead to weight gain, as my metabolism was severely compromised and my digestive enzymes were severely depleted, which caused extreme bloating when eating, heartburn and acid reflux. It even lead to severe pain in my chest when I was exercising. It got to the point that I thought I was having heart problems and I was referred to a cardiologist for testing. As it turned out, my heart is completely fine, thankfully!! However, I was advised that my symptoms sounded gastro related.

Prior to consulting the doctor, I knew my body was telling me something, and being a holistic wellness coach, I dug deep, and said no to gastro medication. I knew that wasn’t the answer!

After my research and education and implementing my action plan, day by day, I slowly reversed and recovered from metabolic adaptation, healed my gut and regained my healthy relationship with food, and can exercise with no chest pain, and so much more!

We all know that we have to eat to live, and this blog isn’t about that. This is my story. What it is about is proper nutrition, whole foods, prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes …. **GUT HEALTH! **

Whole foods, prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes are all necessary for gut health. Whole foods provide essential nutrients and fiber that support overall health. Prebiotics, found in foods like garlic, onions and bananas, feed the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Probiotics, found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, introduce beneficial bacteria into our digestive system. Digestive enzymes, which can be found in foods like pineapple and papaya, help break down food and improve nutrient absorption. Our gut is like our second brain, and when our gut is off our whole body is off. Poor gut health can lead to issues I experienced, such as bloating, heartburn, gastro issues, and even mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.

As a holistic wellness coach, proper nutrition forms part of my wellness programs offered to my clients, whether you are over-eating, under-eating or eating the wrong foods. In addition, my programs also include exercise/movement and sleep hygiene - what I refer to as the 3 Essential Pillars. When you properly incorporate the 3 Essential Pillars you have the foundation of health and wellness. Every other aspect of your life is a bonus!

Further, my wellness programs also include PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT in whatever area(s) my clients feel stuck. Coaching sessions are tailored to each of my clients’ unique needs, challenges, aspirations and goals.

Contact me for a complimentary discovery call for a happier and healthier you, for lasting well-being and success.

I look forward to supporting you on your journey!

Disclaimer: Coaching is not a replacement for therapy, counseling, medical treatment or a nutritionist. The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.

About the author

Irene Adams
Holistic Wellness Coaching - Personal & Professional Development
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Meet Irene Adams ...

Irene will support you through a transformative wellness journey leveraging her unique approach to transform lives holistically. Integrating mental, emotional and physical well-being, she empowers her clients to lead happier and healthier lives and align with their authentic selves.

Her coaching philosophy combines personalized strategies with techniques including, CBT, ACT and neuroplasticity to address unique client needs. She excels in personal and professional development, supporting her clients to uncover negative thought patterns, manage stress and anxiety, promote healthy habits such as proper nutrition, regular exercise and good sleep hygiene, and align with their core values.

Irene is a Certified Mental Fitness & Holistic Wellness Coach, Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Life Strategist, Well-Being Habits Specialist, Empowerment Motivator, and a Member of the International Coaching Federation. She is not your typical coach. She is a versatile professional who dedicated over 20 years to her legal career, complemented and recognized for her superior client relations expertise. She obtained her coaching certification in 2014 and passionately supports her clients with valuable knowledge and insights acquired from her education, training and personal experiences.

A lifelong learner, Irene is committed to expanding her knowledge and expertise for the benefit of her clients. Outside coaching, she finds rejuvenation in nature and joy in music.

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