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Huna Self-Healing Technique: Elemental Cleansing

Laura Dias

Aug 31, 2023

Huna healing is a traditional Hawaiian spiritual and healing practice that focuses on bringing balance and harmony to different aspects of a person's life. The concept of fire, earth, air, and water in Huna healing is often used as a metaphorical framework to represent various elements of life and consciousness. These elements are not necessarily understood in the same way as they are in traditional Western science, but rather they carry symbolic and spiritual significance within the context of Huna.

Here's how these elements are typically interpreted in Huna healing:

Fire: Fire is often associated with transformation, purification, and the energy of change. In Huna healing, fire represents the ability to let go of negative emotions, thoughts, and experiences in order to facilitate healing and personal growth. It symbolizes the burning away of obstacles and limitations, allowing one to move forward with renewed vitality.

Earth: Earth symbolizes stability, grounding, and connection to the physical world. It represents the foundation upon which a person's well-being is built. In Huna healing, working with the earth element might involve connecting with nature, grounding practices, and cultivating a strong sense of stability and balance in one's life.

Air: Air represents breath, communication, and the flow of energy. In Huna healing, air is associated with mental clarity, communication with one's higher self, and the exchange of ideas and energies. Breathwork and mindfulness practices are often used to work with the air element and promote relaxation and self-awareness.

Water: Water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and adaptability. Water is seen as a powerful element for cleansing, emotional release, and renewal. Huna healing often involves working with water to release emotional blockages and promote a sense of emotional balance and flow.

It's important to note that Huna healing is a spiritual and cultural practice deeply rooted in Hawaiian traditions. The interpretation and use of these elements may vary among different healers and practitioners, and the understanding of these elements is totally subjective and symbolic rather than scientific.

Remember that Huna healing seeks to address the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, aiming to restore harmony and well-being by balancing these different aspects of a person's being. The use of fire, earth, air, and water as symbolic tools in this process serves to create a holistic framework for healing and personal transformation.

Here is a Huna self-healing technique that involves connecting with the natural elements—earth, water, fire, air—to cleanse and balance your energy. In Huna, these elements are believed to have their own unique energies that can aid in healing.


  1. Earth Connection: Stand barefoot on the ground, whether it's grass, sand, or soil. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you stand, imagine that you're rooted like a tree, with energy extending down from your feet into the Earth's core. Visualize any negative or heavy energy flowing down through these roots, leaving your body and being absorbed by the Earth. As you release this energy, feel a sense of grounding and stability replacing it.

  2. Water Cleanse: If you're near a body of water, find a comfortable and safe place to stand or sit by the water's edge. Dip your feet into the water if possible. If you're indoors, visualize yourself standing under a gentle waterfall or being surrounded by a shimmering stream of water. Imagine this water washing over you, cleansing away emotional residue, stress, and any negativity you may be carrying. Feel the coolness and purity of the water renewing your energy.

  3. Fire Activation: Light a small candle in a safe space. Sit comfortably in front of the flame, and gaze at it for a moment. As you watch the flame, visualize it as a powerful source of transformation. Imagine the flame burning away any mental clutter, doubts, fears, and anything that no longer serves you. See the flame purifying your thoughts and leaving you with a clear and focused mind. Feel the warmth of the fire enveloping you with its cleansing energy.

  4. Air Renewal: Stand with your arms outstretched, palms facing upward. Inhale deeply and slowly, filling your lungs with fresh air. As you exhale, imagine releasing any tension, stress, or negative thoughts. Visualize these energies leaving your body and dissipating into the air. With each inhale, imagine the air revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit. Feel a sense of lightness and clarity as you breathe in the renewing energy of the air.

  5. Integration and Gratitude: After experiencing the cleansing energies of each element, take a few moments to stand or sit quietly, feeling the combined effects of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air working within you. Feel the balance, harmony, and renewal that these elements have brought to your being. Express gratitude to the elements for their support in your healing journey. Acknowledge their presence and the positive changes they've brought to your energy.

  6. Return to Awareness: If you were outdoors, gently bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Wiggle your toes, stretch your body, and take a few deep breaths. If you were using visualization, gradually shift your focus from the imagery to your physical body. Open your eyes and take a moment to transition back to your present environment.

  7. Continuation: Carry the sense of balance and connection with you throughout your day. Whenever you need a moment of renewal, grounding, or cleansing, remember the experience of connecting with the elements. You can repeat this practice as often as you like to maintain your energy and well-being.

The Elemental Cleansing technique is about harmonizing with the energies of nature and utilizing their transformative power for your own healing and growth. As you engage with each element, pay attention to the sensations, thoughts, and feelings that arise. Your connection with these energies can deepen over time, and you might discover unique insights and experiences through this practice.


About the author

Laura Dias
Huna Practitioner/ Spiritual Guide
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I am Laura Dias, Founder of Sanctuary Within Healing, a Certified Huna Practitioner, and Energy Healer. Embracing the Huna and Shamanism mindset, I believe in the unity of mind, body, and spirit as a prerequisite for healing. Serving as a conduit for higher intelligence, I connect with the love, light, and support of the Spiritual realm, holding space for healing and guidance, respecting your free will.

Working with me, you can expect a nurturing and compassionate space where healing is approached holistically. Through Huna and Shamanic practices, I will guide you to align your mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your inner wisdom and innate healing abilities. With the support of higher intelligence, we will explore your unique healing journey, honoring your free will and personal growth. Together, we will ignite transformative shifts, leading you towards true self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper connection to your authentic nature.

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