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Huna & The 7 Principles

Laura Dias

Dec 21, 2022

When one is introduced to the idea of Huna Healing it is often assumed that all that it encompasses is bundled in a session facilitated by a Huna Practitioner. Healing takes place, you go home and your life goes on with the same mindset you had when you walked into the session. While taking part in a Huna healing session is sacred and powerful, there is much more to Huna then what takes place in a 60-90 minute session. The secret, the magic, lies within the healing work performed on the physical body but equally important is the work you do between sessions that will allow the healing to continue. It is a collective effort. Huna Healing is not a temporary fix nor is about fixing anything. It is about igniting the healing, the wholeness, that has been inside of us all along.

For me, taking part in Huna healing sessions was initially confusing, but fascinating. Confusion stemmed from how simple this way of living was which boiled down to living in the mindset of the law of least effort and living the key principles, the heart and soul of Huna. What was shared with me sparked something so fascinating that years later it would have me sitting here typing this blog sharing the same message with you. Change the energy and you change your world. It’s all just energy! We work so hard to make everything in our world work for us when all we have to do is not identify with all that is in form and live from a Universal mind where everything is already healed. If we worked this hard to develop and strengthen our relationship with our Self and our Higher Self how different would your experience be in the outside world? The answer lies within you. This is Huna.

Your inner child, otherwise known as your subconscious, endures years of hearing all of your stories, all of your criticism and judgement about what you aren’t, what you don’t have and why life sucks. The stories, think sludge, find themselves a comfortable home in your organs and in your mind as dense, low vibrational energy and gifts you, at your own free will by the way, with anxiety, pain, dis-ease and lots of other stuff that really doesn’t feel good at all. Huna shifts and transforms this dense energy from the areas where it nested and in unison with the vibrant support of the Universe, your Practitioner holds space for new, positive, high vibrational energy to enter. Intuitive sessions prior to and following the physical healing portion of the session brings beautiful light and a higher awareness that I genuinely find euphoric. To see the switch go on when my client and myself hit the truth…what can I say, there is nothing like it, can’t be matched and there is nothing that I’ve ever experienced in any healing modality that feels so right. The healing work is done together, it is not me healing you. I am the conduit, the Universe is the Source.

Now on to the 7 Principles that are the heart and soul of Huna but first allow me to share with you two fascinating stories that we can reference in the Principles in order to help form the basis of Huna.

The First Principle: The World Is What You Think It Is

Your experience is a reflection of how you think it is. The man and the woman in the stories above knew that the world will respond to their thoughts. Our physical reality comes from fears, beliefs, desires, conditions and in order to change our experience we need to shift this mindset by using this first principle to expand our greater consciousness. You see the world as scary and fear all the negative events of the world…your experience will match it, hands down. It is all just energy. We say “I will believe it when I see it”. Spirit through our higher consciousness and higher awareness says “you will see it when you believe it”.

The Second Principle: There Are No Limits

You call the shots and through free will only you can change them. In the identified mind we feel “stuck” and limited to what we’ve been conditioned to believe the level of what we can access. Freedom is granted and all that you desire is sitting right there waiting for you to reach out and grab it but only once we realize our world is limitless. One must also remember to remain responsible for one’s actions and reactions. In the two stories the ancient man was able to communicate with the stone and through the stone will the fish out of the ocean. The woman was able to leave her body in the seat to become one with the wind and bring herself back to form. Both believed there are no limits and the environment responded willingly.

The Third Principle: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Your thoughts are your energy formed into the exact thing that you experience. The challenge is balancing our negative and positive emotions and hitting the truth which will open our natural ability to really place our focus, our attention, on what we really want and bring it physically forward. The man on the lava rock focused his attention on the fish with full intent to pour high vibrational energy and influence the fish to move in the direction of abundance for the people. The woman on the plane focused on the wind with the intent to calm the environment of the plane for herself and the other passengers. Be focused and see your attention flowing in the direction of what ever it is the you desire.

The Fourth Principle: Now Is The Moment Of Power

You can grab your power and apply it only NOW. We cannot act in the past nor can we act in the future and swimming in the sea of past regrets or future fears is a waste of time. The energy is here and now to play with. What we can do is actually change the past and the future in the present moment by changing how we think about it in the field of higher awareness as this is where the healing truly is. Lack of presence means lack of presence from our support team, our Guides, our Higher Self. The man and the woman in the stories both knew that their power existed only in the present moment and their power was only as large as their present focus of awareness. Consciousness itself creates the material world.

The Fifth Principle: To Love Is To Be Happy With

All healings and miracles are the true nature of Divine Love in the present moment. Love unites us all and learning how to love ourselves and develop a relationship with our-self first opens up our compassion and love for others. We can’t offer love without having it for ourselves. We can’t give what we don’t have. Love is the greatest tool for effective action. The Hawaiian word for love is aloha and the meaning is “to be happy with someone or something and to share this happiness”. Love is a spiritual power that increases as low vibration thoughts and feelings decrease. The Ancient man connected with the fish through love and the modern woman connected with the wind.

The Sixth Principle: All Power Comes from Within

We tend to believe, through conditioning, that power comes from the outside world but the truth is the power resides within us. Any desire can be fulfilled. You have the power to make it happen. You can also make it not happen but getting in your own way or self-sabotage. We all know how that works. Resist and see it in the distance as a dream that won’t come true or sit in your power and feel like it is already yours and see it come to life. Neither the man or the woman in the examples asked for help outside of themselves to make what they desired a reality. Source is infinite. Their higher awareness confidently and knowingly drew in the desire in the present moment of power.

The Seventh Principle: Effectiveness Is the Measure of Truth

Effectiveness is the only valid measure of truth. Absolute truth = everything is. Human’s always want to know “does it work?”. In Huna we as Practitioners and students of Huna influence to change the mindset and shift the belief systems that we’ve been living under for centuries. Replacing these stagnant ideas with creativity and modifying techniques to help receive the best effects in any situation. Was it true that the ancient man really spoke with the stone and that it answered back? Yes, because the fish came. Was it true that the woman really blended her energy with the wind and smoothed in out in her own mind? Yes, because the turbulence stopped. Cultivating the truth and practicing it with free will over and over is the answer and being expectant with pure faith is the key to embracing this seventh and final principle.

It is work, every single day, to live in the Huna mindset but when you do the work, it works. Still doing the work and loving every minute of it. Since Huna and I found each other, life for me is exciting, creative and fun and when it isn’t, when times get tough and ugly, because they will, I use the tools and magic of Huna to do the work and go inside for the answers. An entire team awaits us all in the Universal Field of Wellness with open arms.

Schedule a session or a complimentary Huna consultation to learn more about how powerful the physical healing combined with the intuitive therapy session is and how it can change your life as it did mine.

The Universal Field of Wellness is meant to be shared to all for all to play in. After all…it’s just energy.


About the author

Laura Dias
Huna Practitioner/ Spiritual Guide
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I am Laura Dias, Founder of Sanctuary Within Healing, a Certified Huna Practitioner, and Energy Healer. Embracing the Huna and Shamanism mindset, I believe in the unity of mind, body, and spirit as a prerequisite for healing. Serving as a conduit for higher intelligence, I connect with the love, light, and support of the Spiritual realm, holding space for healing and guidance, respecting your free will.

Working with me, you can expect a nurturing and compassionate space where healing is approached holistically. Through Huna and Shamanic practices, I will guide you to align your mind, body, and spirit, unlocking your inner wisdom and innate healing abilities. With the support of higher intelligence, we will explore your unique healing journey, honoring your free will and personal growth. Together, we will ignite transformative shifts, leading you towards true self-discovery, empowerment, and a deeper connection to your authentic nature.

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