Nothing Comes Out Of Nowhere - YOU are the Co-creator of Your Life

Claudia Howick

Nov 28, 2023

I was listening to a podcast recently which featured Jenna Zoe, the founder of My Human Design, and one particular quote struck out to me; that quote was

Stop trying to manufacture your alignment. Go towards the heat instead.


I don’t know about you, but that one hits home for me. How does it resonate with you? What does it evoke when you think about your personal growth and the life that you have created, and are currently creating, for yourself?

I can personally relate to the fact that I have tried to manufacture a LOT of my alignment. By alignment, we’re talking about the calibration that occurs when the following two things merge: the road which you are currently walking and the place that you want to get to. This is a natural mistake that we all make during the process of manifestation (whether it’s a conscious process or not, fuelled by spirituality or logic and reason - it makes no difference how, but we all do manifest).

Over the years, the manufacturing of my own alignment has taken on many forms, including, but not limited to…:

  • Forcing my hand instead of Surrendering to the Universe - it’s arrogant, but normal, to believe that we know what is best for us, forgetting that (most of the time) this belief is rooted in our inability to surrender to the flow, and trust the process (eyo!). There is a huge difference between taking action and forcing an outcome, and often we can get caught in the trap of the latter, thus missing out on our manifestations entirely simply because we chose not to take action using what was in our immediate control.

  • Letting go of the outcome - there have been periods of heavy attachment to my manifestations throughout my life. I manifest something - be it a physical experience, a connection with another human being or an energy that I’d like to receive, and I glue the mind to one picture of how I think it ought to look. Letting go of this has invited an abundance of opportunity into my life, and I’ve learnt to trust what the Universe has in store for me.

  • Not being open to receiving - believe it or not, we are often so closed off to receiving that there is no humanly, or spiritually, possible way for us to receive what we have asked for. You might respond to this by asking, “well, if we are asking for something, doesn’t that automatically mean that we are open to receiving it?” and I can see why you might think that. But the short answer is - absolutely not. The longer answer is that the part of us that asks for the thing that we want is the Ego. It comes from the “I” - “I want to manifest x/y/z into my life” which, in itself, is not an inherently bad thing, but it can keep us from actually bringing anything into our life. There may be underlying limiting beliefs that we have still not worked through, gotten to the root of. Even aside of that, we may be acting in ways contradictory to the very notion of Manifestation. You want to be a “successful” person (according to our definition of the word), but you snooze your alarm everyday. You want to create abundance in your life (in the form of monetary wealth), but when you receive any amount of money you feel undeserving of it (core limiting belief) and release it all straight away; or you do the opposite and hoard it for fear of losing it. Simply saying that we are open to receiving something, doesn’t make it so. And, given our level of self awareness, we would do better to realise that we know this, already…

Zoe described the process of Manifestation as "rubble meets road", in other words - where action meets surrender. There is a beautifully fine line to be trodden, which we can walk with grace and with curiosity, that ventures into the unknown. If we choose, we can journey with it, rather than resisting what lies along its path. All that we create into our lives - whether consciously or unconsciously manifested - is the product of something that existed before. That could be as simple as manifesting a creative opportunity to collaborate with an artist you admire, that arose because of your deeply engrained belief in yourself, that you have worked on over the years, mixed in with your habit of connecting with new people and creating new connections that could turn into opportunities for collaboration.

This is what I mean when I say that nothing comes out of nowhere. Literally no thing comes from a space of nothing.

Let that all sink in; maybe you will uncover where you are in fact blocking yourself from receiving what you truly desire, be it trivial, superficial or incredibly deep and meaningful. When you tap into your own energy of creation, you come to realise that it is the same Energy of Creation that the Universe possesses, and you realise that your role as a co-creator in your life and in the world is not by chance.

You realise that everything comes from somewhere, and you have an inextricable part to play in the unfolding of life. Life is, after all, one big Manifestation. Reign your attention inwards; look at the life you are living and your immediate surroundings that are creating your present experience.

It is all a dance between You and the Creator, between the Mundane and the Divine, between your Physical Existence and your Spiritual Essence. Dance that line today, and remember to not take an ounce of it seriously!

If you have any questions or curiosities, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! You can connect with me on Instagram at any time or, alternatively, reach out to me via email or my website. My podcast, Trust The Process, is available wherever you listen, where we dive deeper into topics such as these, in the hopes of expanding our spirits and venturing into the unknown through thought, philosophy and spirituality combined.

Love, blessings and light, Claudia.

About the author

Claudia Howick
Somatic + Subconscious Healing
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Passionate about creating a life that I love from the inside out, I have been merging my love for creative expression with the path of Yoga & Holistic Health. Since becoming a coach and realising my own power, I seek to inspire others to realise theirs. My style of coaching is a unique blend of 1-1 sessions and conscious movement and Yoga, along with accessing the subconscious mind through breath work and meditation. My goal is to guide you on a journey to bring your Soul back to Earth (hence the name, Alma Y Tierra - Soul & Earth); to connect to what “health” truly means to you and empower you to live a life that embodies this from within, taking what you need and leaving what you don’t, whether you are seeking to expand your Consciousness and broaden your Spiritual horizons, ready to learn how to regulate your emotional wellbeing and heal your energy from within, or if physical health and nutrition is your priority. Thank you for your presence!

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