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Snacks on Road

Hannah Charron

Mar 14, 2023

Mini market, mini mart, gas station, corner store, convenience store, co-op, etc. You’re there, you’re very hungry, and you’re trying to live healthfully.

Here are some items to hunt down:

  • Unflavoured nuts and/or seeds
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Dried fruit (ideally without added sugar)
  • Hummus dip (for your vegetables)
  • Beef sticks/jerky (again, ideally without sugar)
  • Protein bars (look for the least ingredients and obvs no sugar)
  • A good ol’ can of tuna
  • Plain rice cakes (with tuna, hummus, avocado or plain nut butter)
  • Pickles
  • Honestly, sometimes they have hard boiled eggs ;)
  • If all else fails, grab the plain potato chips and enjoy

About the author

Hannah Charron
Fitness Nutrition / Celiac / Weight Loss / Gut Health
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Similarly to many of us working in the wellness world, my personal health journey is what brought me into it and today I flourish in helping anyone that I can. My experience, combined with my education, allows me to effectively navigate others into a healthful lifestyle through attainable & sustainable balanced eating & uplifting habits. While I am professional, I want my clients to feel they can be exactly themselves around me! I do like to find humour in things because life is too short to be too serious & boring. Plus laughing is extremely good for you and your abs. Hannah Health is my guidance towards elevated health & getting in touch with yourself. I'm fascinated by the role that the gut has on the brain, and am passionate in educating others on the link between the two. Coming from a history of severe anxiety, heavy medication use, high stress, extreme disordered eating, amenorrhea, hypothyroidism & being celiac, I know first-hand about the challenges that it takes to heal.

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