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The Power of Boundaries

Heather Everett

Mar 01, 2023

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Carla Pursnani about boundaries on her podcast: "Infuse Your Future with Dr. C".

Here is the link to the full episode:

Boundaries play a critical role in our journey to become the leader of our life.

Renowned shame researcher Dr. Brené Brown states: "Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others." Yes, indeed, Dr. Brown... setting boundaries is both an act of courage and an act of love.

As I thought more about this after my time with Dr. C, I wrote the following notes in my journal.


  • create a path to self-respect & self-love
  • help you be open to experiences & people without losing yourself
  • reinforce your values and personal integrity
  • create space for true authenticity to grow
  • require you to be curious and vulnerable
  • are not walls built to prevent negative life experiences
  • are invisible until they are effectively communicated

I am curious... How have boundaries showed up in your life?

About the author

Heather Everett
Clarity, Connection and Creation
Visit coach profile

Hello! I'm Heather. I am passionate about guiding you toward more clarity so you can connect with your vision and become the powerful creator of the abundance you want. My approach is grounded in empathy and authenticity, and I create a safe and supportive space for you to explore both the power of your strengths and opportunities. As a Master Clarity Coach and Workshop Facilitator, I am trained in a variety of techniques and methodologies, including mindfulness, meditation and breath work practices. I use these tools to help you cultivate self trust and develop true self confidence. When I'm not coaching, you can find me exploring the great outdoors, listening to live music. writing, painting, or spending time with my family. Let's unlock your power together so you can create the life you want!

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