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The Sun, The Sand, The Sea & The Sky Are Infinite...(and so are you)

Claudia Howick

Aug 16, 2023

This is a reminder that Nature, in all Her infinite wisdom, will never hold you back. When you feel yourself being dragged down, unsure of how to tune into the potential that you so deeply know lies within you. When its dormancy stirs a fear within you - that, once awakened, this potential won't know how to express itself because you have coexisted side by side in a state of disconnection for some time. When you feel any and all of this, remember that you Are Nature. And nature is infinite. She doesn't judge. She knows no concept of linear time. She is fearless and still simultaneously; courageously soft - a true Humble Warrior.

When you look out at the Sea and bare witness to its equanimity, you don't question how it could be so chaotic and so serene all at once. You simply embrace its nature, as she does her own, and witness it with sheer awe as it crescendos into stillness, only to rise back up once more with the ferocity of a hurricane. When the Earth cries out in stormy thunder, in rumbling anguish, out for destruction, you trust that she is resetting herself, so that a better foundation can be laid for us to walk the Earth as though it is anew. When the wind screams and hurtles towards us, leaving us breathlessly chilled, we never dream of questioning its authority - of invalidating its anger - because the buzz that encircles our entire aura thereafter is like no other.

We never put Nature into the interrogation room, because she knows that she is wild, and in her wilderness she is valid, and in her validity she finds an order that only the Divine could explain.

Isn't it time that we begin to view our own life and expression in this same way? After all, it is from Mother Nature we come, and to Her we will return; so, when she invites us to step into Her embrace and thus into the Lightness of our Being, the very least we owe it to Her, and to Ourselves, to do, is Listen.

Nature will never hold you back, so why do you?

Love, blessings and light, Claudia.

About the author

Claudia Howick
Somatic + Subconscious Healing
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Passionate about creating a life that I love from the inside out, I have been merging my love for creative expression with the path of Yoga & Holistic Health. Since becoming a coach and realising my own power, I seek to inspire others to realise theirs. My style of coaching is a unique blend of 1-1 sessions and conscious movement and Yoga, along with accessing the subconscious mind through breath work and meditation. My goal is to guide you on a journey to bring your Soul back to Earth (hence the name, Alma Y Tierra - Soul & Earth); to connect to what “health” truly means to you and empower you to live a life that embodies this from within, taking what you need and leaving what you don’t, whether you are seeking to expand your Consciousness and broaden your Spiritual horizons, ready to learn how to regulate your emotional wellbeing and heal your energy from within, or if physical health and nutrition is your priority. Thank you for your presence!

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