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What Does Reality Matter Without The Feeling???

Ariana Alcantara

Jul 25, 2024

About a month ago, I was gifted with this incredible dream that I received from the universe or God if you prefer that. In this dream, I was laying down and I saw a dark sky full of clouds. A voice (I believe it must have been an Angel) came to me and asked: Ariana do you see it? I replied: not really (All I could see was a dark cloudy sky) The voice said: EXACTLY!

They then brought in this child named Matheo. I know Matheo from the charity that I volunteer at where I live in Mexico. Matheo was born without eyes, and so he perceives life from his other senses (hearing, touch, smell, taste), and FEELING.

The voice said: Let us show you what Matheo can see… and all of a sudden the ENTIRE SKY CLEARED. All the clouds were gone and I could see unlimited stars, pure magic, the absolutely most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life (I have goosebumps as I write this)… And then I was floating in the cosmos…

The voice explained to me that because Matheo can’t see he has to FEEL the stars, and that because he feels the stars, he can see better than me. The voice then kept repeating: It’s all about the feeling, it’s all about the feeling, it’s all about the feeling…

When I woke up, I ran to my journal so I could write every detail of what had just happened. I was (still am) mesmerized by this revelation and I’ve spent a month thinking about this: What does “it’s all about the feeling” mean at the deepest level? and how do we apply this into our lives???

I remember back on the days listening to Tony Robbins and his tapes that were available on You tube where he talks about feelings and emotions as being signals. He would say that none of us are after “things” in life, what we are actually looking for is the feeling that is associated with the “things” we desire.

For example, we are not looking for a fancy house, what we want is to have an amazing place so we can invite people over, a place that is cozy, beautiful that we can call home. Which means in this example that what we are really looking for to FEEL connected to others (having guests over) and to FEEL relaxed, safe and at peace (a cozy place we call home that is sacred to us).

And there’s a second part to this which is equally as important: the ENERGY.

Whatever it is we are after in life creates feelings. These feelings (or emotions) are bringing forth ENERGY and this energy which is 99.9999999%... of us is attracting more of the same energy into our reality. When we FEEL good about ourselves, we vibrate in a certain energy frequency. That frequency, just like a radio station tunes in with more of the same like energy, and as a result we continue have that experience (of feeling good in this example) as our reality.

And that’s when magic begins to happen. Magic because you aways ALWAYS get more of what you already are. And to me, the feeling is the SECRET part.

We already know that the more you feel good, the more it feels good. The more you are grateful the more things you will have to be grateful for. The more you focus on what brings you joy, the more joyful things you will have in your life (to bring more joy into your life, read my other blog post: what brings you joy) and the list goes on and on…

Expanding that to nutrition and mindset (what I specialize in) the same concepts apply. When we say for example I want to lose weight, what we really desire (feeling wise) is to feel accomplished, beautiful, full of energy, alive and good in our own skin.

My question for you then is: What if you started to FEEL like that ahead of time? so that the energy of your desire (to lose weight in this case) guides you to your results in a much faster, effortless way???

What if there’s an easier way to get you to our dreams and desires? A way that doesn’t require so much effort, sacrifice and frustration? What if the feeling is the actual secret to a whole new reality, the reality of your dreams???

Which brings me to this final question: What does reality matter without the feeling??? And the answer is it doesn’t.

We are all having a human experience, and feeling your way through life can be so beautiful if you allow for it to be. I am so amazed and blown away to learn that a blind child perceives life through the feelings. To me, it just feels so liberating, to go beyond the senses and to feel the feels. And in a way that’s true freedom.

I started to practice this in my own life: to feel the ocean, the trees and the flowers. To feel the moon and the stars, to feel the beauty and to feel love. And what I can tell you is that as a result, I have never felt more connected to myself, nature and everything there is, it's all about the feeling...

My invitation for you is to use this wisdom and apply it to your own life. Play with the energy of creation and start FEELING yourself into the reality of your dreams.

Use your sixth sense more often, follow the energy and let the light guide you.

If you love this concept and this new way of thinking, you FEEL curious to learn how to apply this wisdom into your life then book a discovery call with me, it’s FREE. In the call, we can talk about what’s important to you and you can see if working together is the next perfect step for you.

With Love and abundance, Ariana

About the author

Ariana Alcantara
Holistic Nutritionist & Spiritual Coach
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I am a holistic nutritionist and spiritual coach. And my own journey started after a cancer diagnosis. 13 years on remission and counting, I am on a mission to empower as many people as I can connect to their mind, body and soul. I truly believe that we are what we eat, I also believe we are our thoughts, beliefs emotions, habits and ENERGY. Using a holistic approach I am here to be your guiding light, supporting and connecting you to your best and healthiest version.

Together we will:

  • Create a plan: This will be your A to Z roadmap that is personalized and aligned with your goals and what is important to you.
  • Go to the root cause: Uncover the real reason of previous struggles, understand and clear them out of the way at the subconscious level
  • Accountability: Simplifying action steps and prioritizing health and wellbeing
  • Fun: Shifitng selfcare from a task to something to look forward to everyday.

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