You Are Here To Feel It All

Claudia Howick

Nov 12, 2023

Your vulnerability gives others a permission slip to be vulnerable.

Your Soul deeply craves for you to feel everything in its, and your own, fullest. And watching you do just that fills it with pride unimaginable, because it knows, that its expression on this Earth is living its fullest potential, by simply leaving no expression behind.

Vulnerability is not something I believe we encourage enough. You’ve often heard the saying “vulnerability is your strength”; I like to think of it as a superpower. An entity in itself, a portal that carries its own unique energy that manifests things into your life beyond your imagination.

Imagine this: you tap into your vulnerability in any way, shape or form that pertains to your current life situation - perhaps you speak your Truth in a scenario where you are used to hiding your light; maybe you wear your heart on your sleeve and show the emotions that you are currently feeling, rather than bottling them up to save face; you might even express yourself using an art form that you’ve been putting off out of fear for how it might come out. In doing this, you tune into a part of who you are that is fearless. Remember, that:

Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It is the mastery of it.

In doing this, you access that future version of you that acknowledges that they are capable of receiving because of their vulnerability, not in spite of it.

Think about it for a moment: who is your future Self? You might want to take some time to journal on this, reflect while you’re going about your day or even sit and meditate upon it for some time.

What is the energy that your Future Self carries?

  • Is it one of abundance? Is it one that embodies gratitude in every moment of the day? Is it one of confidence, that exudes an essence of certainty in your actions, in the way that you move, the spells that you cast with your words?

All of this powerful energy can be tuned into through the frequency of vulnerability. When you are open, you are not doing so to portray a false sense of assuredness to the world; you are doing so to feel the ripple effect that this choice to be vulnerable has, both in your life and in others’.

I am not here to tell you how to open yourself, but just to remind you that what you are holding within, the light that you are carrying inside and hiding, is something that benefits not only you, but the whole world. Imagine the most influential people in your life and why they hold this level of inspiration for you. Be it your parents’ influence; a mentor who has helped you along the way; a stranger who has spontaneously impacted the course of your life.

Or on a different scale, the figures that have influenced you the most from afar : your favourite author that helped you get lost in fantasy worlds and expand your imagination, or that anchored you into your truest self through personal development. Maybe you’ve relentlessly watched a series of motivational speeches by a particular person, or you might have always resonated with the wise words of a worldly known Sage.

Think about any or all of these examples - do you think these people got to where they are by being closed, hiding their innate capacity for vulnerability? No way, José. These people got to where they are by confronting the reality of their fear to express themselves, to present who they truly are and to be openly unguarded despite obvious criticism and rebuttal that they would face as a result. THIS, is the reason why they inspire you so greatly. It isn’t because of what they’ve achieved in their career, nor because of their personal development accomplishments, not really. These things might be inspiring - of course they are - but it is the vulnerability underneath all of these outer achievements, that allowed them to happen in the first place, and that continues to inspire you and people over the globe.

This is the same vulnerability that you possess inside of you. It’s the same frequency that you can emit; the expression might be different, it might even shift for you with time, depending on the seasons of your life. And the effect that it has is not any less. If your vulnerability impacts a single person, it carries the same vibration as your favourite podcast host, whose episode reaches a million souls. The impact is not any less, it is simply existing in a different form. Energy and its capacity can shapeshift - taking on different forms in one lifetime, and none of that affects its quality of impact. You simply have to trust - trust that what you share, what you radiate, what you express, at the precise moment of doing so, sends a frequency of light out into the ether, the collective Aura of the planet, in the exact way that it is supposed to. It will reach the right amount of people in the right way; it will impact those who you could never have imagined it touching; it will open a portal in the hearts of those who are ready to make a change, be it overt or subtle, known or unknown.

And just remember - people don’t get weirded out by babies crying in public. They do their thing, and it is radically accepted. So it’s about time that we direct the same acceptance towards ourselves and others. Our judgement towards others for their vulnerable expressions are always inner reflections of our own fears and limiting beliefs - none of which are “bad”, but powerful invitations to reflect and turn our gaze inwardly to ultimately make positive changes and relinquish those ego-drive belief systems that keep us dragged down and pull us out from under the places we have been hiding, self-protecting.

Your vulnerability is beyond your strength, it is your Superpower. It is your duty to remember that and do all that you can to enact it and live that expression as much as you possibly can in this lifetime. It will make the quality of your life, your relationships, your connections and interactions infinitely better. (You’re just going to have to trust me on this one.)

If you have any questions or curiosities, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! You can connect with me on Instagram at any time or, alternatively, reach out to me via email or my website. My podcast, Trust The Process, is available wherever you listen, where we dive deeper into topics such as these, in the hopes of expanding our spirits and venturing into the unknown through thought, philosophy and spirituality combined.

Love, blessings and light, Claudia.

About the author

Claudia Howick
Somatic + Subconscious Healing
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Passionate about creating a life that I love from the inside out, I have been merging my love for creative expression with the path of Yoga & Holistic Health. Since becoming a coach and realising my own power, I seek to inspire others to realise theirs. My style of coaching is a unique blend of 1-1 sessions and conscious movement and Yoga, along with accessing the subconscious mind through breath work and meditation. My goal is to guide you on a journey to bring your Soul back to Earth (hence the name, Alma Y Tierra - Soul & Earth); to connect to what “health” truly means to you and empower you to live a life that embodies this from within, taking what you need and leaving what you don’t, whether you are seeking to expand your Consciousness and broaden your Spiritual horizons, ready to learn how to regulate your emotional wellbeing and heal your energy from within, or if physical health and nutrition is your priority. Thank you for your presence!

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