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 Group workshop
Mindfulness & Spiritual
From Chaos To Calm: A Meditative Experience (for all levels!)


A practical guide to inner peace; learn, practice and grow together through the power of the breath!


As we come together we will take a moment to ground through a short releasing Kundalini breathing exercise - think of it as wiping the slate clean before we set an intention and begin.

We'll explore two types of meditation throughout this session - one which aims to energise and bring life into the body, the other which works in a restorative manner to restore the nervous system's rested balance.

We'll spend half of our first 15-minute practice learning about the impact of evoking our body's natural "prana" (life force energy), the importance of creating a scientifically-backed brain-heart coherence and how to incorperate this practice into your day to clear brain fog and increase inspiration. We'll then move on to the guided practice.

The second 15-minute practice will be the same layout; 7 minutes or so understanding how to create a habit of slowing down and learning how to identify the moment we may need to be doing this in our day-to-day. We'll then move into our second guided breathing practice.

We'll close our time together with a 10-minute guided meditation in which you will have the choice to infuse a practice you have learnt during the workshop. This meditation will be lighter on the breathwork side and more focused on feeling connected to the body, clearing the mind and entering into the present moment.

Finally, we'll have the chance to share anything that resonated with us; (if you would like to, of course!) perhaps an intention that shifted from the beginning to the end, a revalation or something interesting that came up during the practice.

© HatchPath 2024